Fifth Fire || Flame Without a Glow

Feb 23, 2011 23:56

Characters: Lea and vatheon (Mingle thread? Go for it.)
Location: All over Vatheon... but ending somewhere near the ghost ship.
Time: Sometime in the morning
Style: It's aaaaall good
Status: Open like you wouldn't believe. Threadjacking? Encouraged. Not even dealing with Lea? Perfectly alright. Dealing with just fire? Dandy.

Good morning, Vatheon. Guess what ( Read more... )

james potter, jeanne, demyx, lea, franken stein, ami mizuno, namine, ventus

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Damn it all why did you make me break my hiatus for this? ;___; wayward_faith February 24 2011, 05:03:01 UTC
[Ventus had only been back for two days, and already things were looking like hell... literally. Holy crap did he have some fires to put out in Vita, then he decided to follow the trail of smoke. After all, it always left a trail.

It... was a very good thing that Vanitas' disappearance from the face of Vatheon had snapped him out of his zombie-like state. Though, he doubted he'd be the same because... tears were still falling down his face with a letter clenched in his non-wielding hand. Isa... He'd blamed himself for all of that?

He wipes his tears away, but his eyes were still red and puffy as he neared the pirate ship, spying the circle of fire and the one inside it.]



Because you're my bitch. Obviously. prominence_glow February 24 2011, 05:08:54 UTC
Shut up and go away.

[Someone's not in a talkative mood. That's putting it lightly, of course, especially considering things are far from smoothed out, from his perspective, between him and Ven.

But he'd been so close. So close to awkwardly, tentatively realizing what he wanted when it came to the other complicated situation on his hands. How he felt about... joining. Isa and Demyx. The old scab had been reopened, fresh and new, but now... now...

He'll never be able to do anything. The thought makes Lea curl up on his side even tighter.]


Am not. :| wayward_faith February 24 2011, 05:32:46 UTC
[Ven doesn't budge, but doesn't try to cross the threshold of flame, either. He knows he'd hurt Lea, knows just how much damage he'd done to everyone... but he wanted to make it up to them all, to make things right. But how could he when things were like this?]

No. I'm not leaving.

['Not when you need your friends... if you still consider me one.' The sentiment is there, even if it's unspoken. He can't mend the hurting if the others refuse to let it be fixed... and now that all his closest friends were gone besides Lea and Riza, there wasn't much left for him.]


That's what they all say. :> prominence_glow February 24 2011, 05:41:01 UTC

[There are others. There's always going to be others, other people who're friends. But none of them were Isa. None of them were Axel, either, which was a different matter entirely but still had as much of a punch.

They... They'd been doing something. Getting past the differences, the misunderstandings. But he'd left.

And Isa, and Sora... Everyone.]


Shut it. :| wayward_faith February 24 2011, 06:23:26 UTC
[And that. That is all it takes for Ven to activate Diamond Dust just to put out the flames. Sorry Lea, but smoke inhalation never does anyone any good and as a friend... he wouldn't let him suffer that, too.

Ven was proof that they did come back, though. Living. Proof.]

...Then let me help you.


/troll face :> prominence_glow February 24 2011, 15:41:04 UTC
[Quietly, he moves his head just a little, enough for his eyes to be visible. There's an exhausted and dull kind of pain visible there, but other than that... They just look kind of dead.]

How do I know... you won't...?

[Hurt me too?]


And that would be why I'm not your bitch, you silly troll. 8| wayward_faith February 25 2011, 03:28:18 UTC
[Ventus saw that, and he just shook his head as he held his Keyblade up high. In moments, two curative spells fell over them both; Cura and Esuna. One for physical ailments and the other for energy.]

Because I'm your friend, and you've been through enough.


Keep lyin' t yourself, babe. prominence_glow February 25 2011, 03:44:41 UTC
[Thank god that migraine is leaving him now. It makes it easier to think. He's not sure what the spell was for making him able to move, 'tho. Lea decides it doesn't matter as he pushes himself up, sitting although his legs are still on their sides.]

Are you really my friend?


How is it lying when you're being a-- /rest of sentence cut off by Disney Contract wayward_faith February 25 2011, 05:29:24 UTC
[Which is why he cast it; he knew it helped him when the Master or Aqua cast it on him whenever he had those kinds of migraines and everything. Though, those words said... Knife to the heart, Lea. Knife to the heart.]

...What are you talking about, Lea? ['Of COURSE I am.']


/rejoices prominence_glow February 25 2011, 05:44:59 UTC
[There's finally a spark of life in Lea's stare... But not the happy or excitable kind he's known for.]



/shut up, dammit B| wayward_faith February 25 2011, 05:50:02 UTC
[And he winces at it. ...What was- Oh. Oh.]

...Which part, me dying with him or me somewhat getting along with him while I was 'sick'?


Never. B) prominence_glow February 25 2011, 05:59:27 UTC
I don't care about the first one.


And now I'm off to kill Ansem again to reawaken the muse :| wayward_faith February 25 2011, 06:06:08 UTC

I didn't have much of a choice then. It was either cooperate or I'd die just because my heart lacked its darkness.


That'll do it. prominence_glow February 25 2011, 06:07:47 UTC
Looked a little more than just cooperating to me.

[And now he's on his feet, fists clenched and eyes narrowed. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to give him back his energy...]


OTL wayward_faith February 25 2011, 06:11:57 UTC
[Good idea or not, try too much and you might just get bitten back...and not on purpose.]

Then what do you want me to say? That I'd lost my mind that week? Because I pretty much did; half of my memories were blurred and all I could remember was what happened. Who I- [He bites his lip, looking away.] ...Who I left behind.

[And now most of them were gone...]


prominence_glow February 25 2011, 15:05:58 UTC
Is that it? Is that just the reason why you were acting friendly with that murderous freak?

[Unfortunately, Lea is nursing pain of his own in probably not the best of ways. He'd normally be sympathetic... but not right now.]


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