Literally out of this World

Feb 23, 2011 19:05

Characters: M'gann M'orzz and Anyone!
Location: Park field, Middle District
Time: Early afternoon
Style: Action for me, but whatever works!
Status: Open like an open thing

[In the middle of the field lays a body. It's not moving quite yet, and it's obviously soaked. Next to it is the SFC. Yup, a new arrival. Fun times.

With a small groan, the figure slowly sits up and moves a hand to its head. Long red hair is brushed out of the person's view as their vision comes into focus. Eyes widen, and a sudden gasp is emitted.]

W-what happened?

[Female and... green. A green female! The girl looks around quickly, looking at least a little nervous.]


[Clearly she hasn't noticed the SFC yet.]

bankotsu, m'gann m'orzz, dave strider

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