jiiyasaid & all of you lovely people.
Location: Plaza.
Time: Mid-Afternoon.
Style: However you please~ ♥
Status: OPEN.
Tsurugi sits alone at a small, rather striking looking table in the plaza, fingering a small card with a thoughtful stare plastered on his face. The rider found the silence lately to be unacceptable, and it was high time he began to meet the other people he often saw wandering around.
Plastic. A card full of Starfish Tokens, to be precise. He finds it slightly upsetting that the simple feel of plastic in his hands is so nostalgic. Even more problematic, among the many problems currently blocking his thought process, the brunette wonders briefly what exactly he should do with this currency. Saving it seems to be the logical thing to do! But do Starfish Tokens really benefit the Discabil fortune...? Oh well. Logic had never really been his thing.
The young lord continually opens his mouth as if he's going to speak, but quickly retreats into a quiet spell. This happens constantly, to an annoyingly awkward extent. He's slightly nervous, but for what reason? Everyone couldn't stand adored him back home, of course it would be no different here. Relinquishing the sullen thought with a huge grin, he realizes how silly it was to assume someone could dislike him. It just wasn't possible!