
Jan 23, 2011 20:18

Characters: wavesoakedlegs & behisstrength
Location: Plaza → Lake
Time: Afternoon
Style: Third
Status: Closed

I found a home in your eyes )

akechi mitsuhide, chosokabe motochika (samurai warriors)

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wavesoakedlegs January 23 2011, 20:33:09 UTC
Mitsuhide had finished picking up a few items before waiting beside the coral, so he had not been idle long. Several of his friends had left Vatheon and the trip out had been intended as a distraction. It had worked a little, so when Motochika approached he was able to offer a small smile as he bowed his head.

It was best to be happy for those who had gone home, even though he had wondered frequently about what Rian had returned to. She had died in her own world for the sake of the one she loved, Zen.

"My Lord," he said. "You told me everything was alright, so I must confess to being curious about why you wish to speak to me."

He regarded Motochika with curious eyes. If it had been something minor, surely his friend would have have simply said his piece over the SFC.


behisstrength January 23 2011, 21:17:34 UTC
"I had no desire to wait."

Despite that, Motochika was aware that this wasn't a suitable spot to talk, considering the personal nature of the topic. Especially where Mitsuhide was concerned. It deserved privacy; a space that only they inhabited.

"Come, my friend," he beckoned. "Let us talk elsewhere."

He began to walk, trusting Mitsuhide to fall into step beside him.


wavesoakedlegs January 23 2011, 21:30:31 UTC
Mitsuhide raised a slender eyebrow, but did as asked, walking alongside Motochika to... wherever it was the other wished to talk.

"As you wish, then," he replied.

This was a matter for privacy, then? It would make sense, as they were heading to another location. Perhaps his friend wished to ask him why he hadn't made his confession yet. That was possible. It had been several weeks, after all. The only excuse he had was that he'd not found the right moment yet.

It would be best not to make assumptions, though.

"Where are we going?" Mitsuhide asked, voice calm and even. "If you do indeed have a specific destination in mind."


behisstrength January 23 2011, 21:46:17 UTC
"The lake," Motochika said as he glanced to Mitsuhide, "unless you mind the journey."

It wasn't too late for Mitsuhide to protest. Motochika had not been there for a while; the colder weather had served as a deterrent when he wasn't otherwise occupied.


wavesoakedlegs January 23 2011, 21:57:19 UTC
Mitsuhide shook his head.

"I don't mind it," he replied softly. "It's a beautiful place, and besides... the walk to the forest is one I make often."

Not to the lake specifically, but to their clearing, where he practised his woodwork. Sitting amongst the green trees and hearing the sounds of wildlife all around... it was peaceful. A good place to work, and a good place to think as well.

It occured to him that the last time he went to the lake itself he had not been inside his own body. Vatheon's magic had caused him and Motochika to switch for a week. That had been an embarassing and rather trying time, to say the least.

"It will be good to see those waters through my own eyes again, too."


behisstrength January 23 2011, 22:19:47 UTC
Motochika laughed, once he'd had a moment to make the connection; he briefly thought back to the curse himself, and the mornings where he woke up tangled in his friend's fine hair.

"A long time to wait."

Not that Motochika's own period away was much better. Mild amusement crept into his smile.

"I won't deny that spending time in the company of seafarers has influenced my choice."


wavesoakedlegs January 23 2011, 22:35:08 UTC
"It's a fine choice," said Mitsuhide simply, without further elaboration.

He thought about their experiences in Vatheon and glanced up at the top of the dome as they walked. Japan was home, but this place had become home too. Despite everything it had put him through, he could not hate it. It gave much to its inhabitants too, after all.

Though he would be grateful if there were no further invasions of the 'living' dead.

A sigh, and a brief chuckle. He began to walk a little faster. The sooner they arrived at their destination, the sooner he could find out what Mtoochika wished to discuss.


behisstrength January 23 2011, 23:06:22 UTC
Motochika was quite happy to match Mitsuhide's pace; it did not take long to reach the forest dome. The eagerness suited his own wishes.

It also reminded him of Gracia's temperament. The more time they passed in Vatheon, all together, the more resemblance Motochika saw between father and daughter. Perhaps that was because they were all but his family by now, and held most of his attention.

He thought back to the warmth of Gracia's grip, and her blessings. It was a rather unconventional role-reversal -- the daughter's approval to pursue the father -- which made it all the more precious.

There was not long to wait now.


wavesoakedlegs January 23 2011, 23:17:48 UTC
After walking a certain distance into the forest dome, Mitsuhide stopped for a moment. He glanced down at the grass, smiled, and kneeled down briefly in order to remove his footwear and socks.

When he straightened back up he stowed both away in the bag at his side. The grass felt pleasant on Mitsuhide's bare feet, and he hummed a little.

"Much better. It's been too cold to do this for quite some time now."

A small indulgence, but a treasured one.

"Let's continue on," he said after a moment, pointing in the direction of the lake. "It's a few more minutes that way."


behisstrength January 23 2011, 23:37:59 UTC
Motochika paused for Mitsuhide and watched with fondness. In its own way, the tiny indulgence was a sign of how far Mitsuhide had come from his first days in Vatheon. Every incident of simple happiness was a victory against the shadow Nobunaga had cast over Mitsuhide, in Motochika's mind.

"Very well."

He smirked faintly as he continued on. "Watch your step," he added, lightly teasing.


wavesoakedlegs January 23 2011, 23:52:59 UTC
Mitsuhide looked over at Motochika, a disbelieving expression on his face.

"I always do," he replied, keeping up the pace. It may have been noticeable to someone really paying attention that he was a little more cautious as he moved between the trees, though.

A few minutes later, after weaving through a particularly thick section of the forest, Mitsuhide slowed down and eventually stopped as they reached the lakeside. It was still an odd thing, when he thought about it; a lake within a dome sealed underneath the ocean. But 'odd' was a good description for much of Vatheon anyway.

The water was clear and still, with only the fish within causing the occasional ripple as they passed by the surface.

"All it needs is a boat," he remarked, sitting down as close to the edge as he could without getting wet.


behisstrength January 24 2011, 00:34:47 UTC
Motochika took a seat next to Mitsuhide, and leaned towards the water; he dipped a bare hand into the water and wriggled his fingers, then drew it back until only his fingertips were immersed. Even surrounded by the ocean, he missed the water.

"You are right. I wait patiently for that day."

The last time he'd sailed had been during the battle of Yamazaki. He did not verbalise the thought. Instead he turned his eyes to their reflection on the water's surface.

"Mitsuhide," he began with conviction, a moment later. "I have been unfair to you."


wavesoakedlegs January 24 2011, 00:47:18 UTC
That comment surprised Mitsuhide; he blinked and looked at Motochika's reflection in the water.

"Unfair," he echoed, trying to make sense of it. How, exactly, had the other been unfair to him? He couldn't think of a time recently. After a moment of thought he replied properly to the comment, tone of voice soft and curious.

"How have you been unfair to me, Lord Motochika? Nothing comes to mind right now."


behisstrength January 24 2011, 01:19:02 UTC
Motochika drew his fingertips over the surface of the water one last time, then sat back, and dried his hand upon the grass. He shifted and turned his body fully towards Mitsuhide.

"I expected you to bare your heart to me... when I have yet to show you the same."

He met Mitsuhide's eyes, gaze intent.


wavesoakedlegs January 24 2011, 09:37:07 UTC
Another statement that surprised Mitsuhide, to say the least. He stilled for a moment, before shifting round himself and folding his hands neatly in his lap.

"So... that's what you've come here to do, then?" he asked, a little shyly.

It had only been a matter of time until he'd found the right moment himself. Even with all the reassurance their previous conversation on love had given him, it was still a big step to take, after all. Just coming out with it at any time was not something he had considered doing for a moment.

Perhaps that was no longer a concern, if Motochika was implying what he seemed to be. Not that it was wise to make assumptions.

Mitsuhide tilted his head, seeming just a little tense.

"My Lord?"


behisstrength January 24 2011, 11:05:45 UTC
Motochika did not answer right away. He reached out and took Mitsuhide's hands, instead, lifting them from their place in his friend's lap. He stroked his thumbs over Mitsuhide's knuckles.

"You are unaware of the true depth of your importance to me."

Motochika paused, and watched Mitsuhide with unwavering attention as he allowed a moment's space for comprehension. Then he smiled affectionately, and with indomitable confidence in himself and his welcome, said, "I love you, Mitsuhide. My heart is in your hands."


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