(no subject)

Jan 19, 2011 18:36

Characters: thehawks_eye and flameytaisa
Location: Roy's apartment
Time: Just after this. [Yea, Backdating FTW!]
Style: IM action
Status:  Closed // Finished

flameytaisa : [The two stories of stairs weren't too terrible--thank you to military training. He managed to open the door, carrying her in and set her down very carefully on the couch.] Lieutenant... Wake up.

thehawks_eye : Ngghh. [She shifted a bit, but started to wake up, protesting it though. Sleep was nice. She didn't feel sore at all while sleeping.]

flameytaisa : [He feels bad, having to wake her... But she needs fluids. He went off to the kitchen to get a glass of water for her, and returned, skaking her shoulder carefully.] Riza... [...fff, he doesn't call her that often...]

thehawks_eye : [She takes the glass without a second thought - she is thirsty, and drinks it. The water feels good down her throat.] Mr Mustang? [..Ffff. It's not often she calls him what she did as a teen. And then it's a light shake of the head.] Sorry. Co'nel..?

flameytaisa : It's fine. Don't worry about it, Lieutenant. [He smiles a little.] I'm just glad to see you're okay... You're probably very confused--this obviously isn't Amestris. [He prompted her to drink more of the water]

thehawks_eye : Where....? [Not Amestris? What was he going on about?] Scar - the others..? [And her hand went to her neck, eye's widening a little.] ... I died..? We died? [Because she was dying, and she /knows/ she was.]

flameytaisa : A place called Vatheon. I know it sounds crazy, but I found myself here two weeks ago... We're not under threat right now, don't worry. [He pauses. She was close to dying, that was certain.] I'm... not sure where exactly you came from. Do you remember what was happening?

thehawks_eye : We'd just found out Envy was Hughes' killer and you-- You almost lost yourself in rage. [Cold, hard, /hurt/ look.] I would have had to shoot you, if not for Edward and Scar. [A cold, hard look comes to her eyes, hints of betrayal as well.] Father's flame are not and never will be for revenge.

After that, we left Envy and headed further into the tunnels - and then Edward vanished, and soon after you, Scar and I were ambushed by those working for Wrath.They wanted you to do human transmutation.

flameytaisa : [He watches her explain things, flinching slightly at the mentioning of Hughes. His look becomes a little more disturbed as she continues. A blind rage... human transmutation... Good GOD what happened to Amestris?] ... I'm sorry Lieutenant. [What a horrible thing to learn...] You must have been from a time later than myself.

[He opened his shirt to reveal the still fresh burn--it was healing of course and YES he did go out and battle like this.] The last thing I remember is losing consciousness after I killed Lust. But I apologize for my future self...

thehawks_eye : Yes and the doctors had a fit at your wounds after that. But you and Havoc did survive. [Oh just your neighbourhood homunculi ruining it.] However, futureself or not, I will shot you if you go into a blind rage again, Colonel. [And that's when she see's the tattoo on the back of her hand and pales. Really pales, eye's going wide.] What. Is. This?

flameytaisa : [He can't help but smile a little somberly, shaking his head.] And that's why I keep you around Lieutenant. Make sure I don't really mess up. [He pauses, watching her a moment. Hm? ...] I've seen that mark around here... It seems like everyone has one.

Lieutenant...? Drink some more, you're looking rather pale...(Kk!

thehawks_eye : ... I don't remember getting or asking for another tattoo. [Sorry, she's kinda having a WTF is this moment or several.]

flameytaisa : [He slips off his left glove, giving a very sour look.] I don't think they're voluntary. [Seriously. On the middle finger? Could it be in a more idiotic spot? He held it up to show her, ] I think it's just... something that appears when you come to Vatheon.

It's ... interesting here. For example, a few days ago the town was invaded by ... ghost.. pirates. I stepped out to help the couse, of course... [He sighs, moving to sit next to her on the couch, leaning back. It's... not so bad though.

thehawks_eye : I see. [ It makes her only a little better than he has one, but not by much. She's clearly unhappy about it, but forcefully ignoring it.] ... In that condition? Sir. /Can you get any more idiotic than that/? [B| Roy. a very big B|] You could have reopened your wounds.

flameytaisa : [Clearly he isn't impressed by the random tattoo either. He looked at her when she inquired about the battle.] ... Yes, in this condition. Duty called, Lieutenant. [He gives a little playful smirk to her look--of course she was going to nag at him, but he kind of missed it.] I would have dealt with it, if it had become an issue. There were safehouses all about the city.

thehawks_eye : Duty or no, I thought you smarter than to aggravate a major wound. [But she did understand the duty part. She really did.] At least you are still in once piece, sir.

flameytaisa : [Yeah, he saw that coming from a mile away. Heh. Leave it to the Lieutenant to scold him something awful for that.] Yeah, it was pretty stupid, wasn't it? But you're one to talk. ... I'm glad I happened to be here for that.

thehawks_eye : [It's her job to keep you safe.] They ambushed us. [A small smiled.] I'm grateful though. Who else is here. I believe I saw Winry...?

flameytaisa : [True.] Yes, Miss Rockbell is here... Edward and Alphonse... Though, it's not really my place to tell you, he was pulled from a time in the future where he has his body back. Other than that, no one else we would know... [Hm...] But there are quite a few people here.

thehawks_eye : That's good. None of our enemy's are here. [And she does look relieved about it.] Do you mind filling me in, sir, on what the full situation is?

flameytaisa : [Hm. That's a clue as to what had happened. He'd ask later. She didn't need to worry right now.] Well... You know a lot of what I do. Let's see... We seem to be in an underwater city, so to speak. There doesn't seem to be much immediate danger. [Hm, speaking of underwater, the man stood, getting a couple towels from the closet in the hall, along with a blanket. She needed clothing too... To be taken care of in a moment. He came back, handing the towels to her, along with a blanket she could wrap herself in.]

thehawks_eye : .. Under... water? That's impossible. [Ohh yay! Blankets and towels, cocooning herself up in them, Mmm. Warmth 8D]. We would be dead. .. Maybe we are.

flameytaisa : Do you feel dead? You've got a heartbeat Lieutenant. We saw to that. Vatheon's a little different. When you're a little better, I'll take you around. [He looks her over once.] Can I get you anything else? [Aww, look at that concern.]

thehawks_eye : I. .. Of course. [A small smile as she snuggled into the blankets more.] I won't be off duty for to long. A day, at most. [Ha. Hahaha. Riza = workaholic.]

flameytaisa : [Have a look.] ... Not even close. We don't have anything to do anyway. [Hell no, you're not gonna be working right away.]

thehawks_eye : [Have a look back.] What about the Ghost Zombies? I will not allow you to go out with those injuries, Sir. [B|]

flameytaisa : Then I won't be going out, will I? [He plops down on the couch, returning the look.]

thehawks_eye : Not unless I am wil you. [Pfft. Give her three days. She'll find away out of the place, well enough for not.]

flameytaisa : [Three days is an agreeable term. Depending on her condition.] Not planning on it. I did enough before.

thehawks_eye : [Three days it will be, regardless. B|] Good. [yawns.] Can I sleep now?

flameytaisa : Certainly. [He stood, holding out his hand for her.]

thehawks_eye : [Takes his hand and stands. Uggg. Her head is spinning. Bloodloss and shock are not fun, but it's not as bad as it could have been. Thankfully.]

flameytaisa : [He makes sure to support her as she stands. He escorts her back to the bedroom and sets her down on the bed. He gets some extra clothing, handing it over to her.] Goof thing about this place. We stay here completely free. It's kinda nice. Change into those--you don't need to be sick. [After a smile, he turns his back, and walks out of the room] Sleep well, Lieutenant

thehawks_eye : Thank you. [As soon as she's changed, she's in bed and soon sleeping. For the record, she snores a little. And is a bed hog.]

flameytaisa : [Go figure. Haha, silly Lieutenant. At least she's safe...]

roy mustang, riza hawkeye

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