Anarchy 101 - Let's Rock

Jan 17, 2011 21:37

Who: Panty, Stocking, and vatheon
When: Late night. Let's say 11:15 PM.
Where: Middle District, in front of the Lamufao
Style: Any~
Status: Open like Panty's relationship with the men of the world.

"Hey, Panty. Panty."

No response. Shaking her head, Stocking grumbled, "Get your lazy ass up," and promptly stepped on the blonde's face.

"What the fuck was that for?" She rubbed her eyes, then looked down. Her red, strappy dress was sticking to her skin, and she was soaked. "Why the fuck am I wet?"

"How should I know?" Stocking snapped. "I thought I was going back to Heaven, but instead I woke up in some weird-ass place with you snoring in my ear."

"No, WE were going back to Heaven, you dipshit," Panty retorted, jabbing a finger in her sister's face, "which means YOU probably screwed something up, and now that fuckin' afro priest is laughing his ass off at us."

"How am I the one who screwed up? I've been the one doing all the work and collecting the Heaven Coins while you go and screw everything with two legs and a dick. It's a miracle anyone would still want you with your stretched-out cunt. If this is anyone's fault, it's yours." Her stomach rumbled. "And if I miss my afternoon sugar because of you, I swear I'm going to kick your fucking face in!"

"Go ahead and miss it. You'll get fat if you eat any more of that shit," she said mockingly, jabbing a finger at Stocking's stomach.

"How many times do we have to go over this? Normal sweets don't make me gain weight. If they go anywhere, it's straight to my boobs, which is more than I can say for you. You'll end up growing into an old woman and still have little mosquito-bites."

"How do we know this place isn't gonna be that nice to you? Don't forget what happened before - you broke our damn house with your fat ass." Finally climbing to her feet, Panty tossed her hair over her shoulder, setting a hand on her hip. "Now where the flying fuck is everyone?"

"It was only because of a Ghost! G-H-O-S-T!" Stocking yelled, only to blink in surprise at Panty's question. "Huh?"

"Exactly. Fuckin' empty. And what's with the coral? We in some goddamn aquarium?"

"No, it's..." Suddenly Stocking's eyes widened, and she grabbed at an object near Panty's shoulder. "Floating gumball!"

"Fatass, eat your own," Panty muttered, flicking at the floating thing near Stocking's shoulder.

"You can go to Hell..." Stocking began, popping the object in her mouth; right after she started chewing, she began flailing about, the fairy deciding to fight back against being eaten. Panty threw her head back and laughed, stopping only when the fairy was spit in her face. "What the fuck was that? That was even more disgusting than your spicy shit!"

"'s a fairy, you dumbfuck bitch," Panty said, staring at the thing floating before her. "You just tried eating a..." Stocking pointed over her shoulder; following her sister's gaze, the blonde grinned. A man. "Hello~"

"You had better not think about fucking him before asking him where we are."

"Fine, fine, I'll ask first. Geez, Stockin'."

"Good. Now get your ass moving," Stocking muttered, eyes widening when Panty grabbed her wrist, dragging her along.

[OOC: if your character's a man, Panty's gonna hit on you. If it's a woman, they'll just chat you up.]

yuu kanda, yomiel, anarchy stocking, minato arisato, anarchy panty

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