First Fire || Housewife Lea's on the Move

Jan 14, 2011 19:01

Characters: Lea and vatheon 
Location: New Building
Time: Second night of Ghost Invasion, bordering on third morning
Style: Any
Status: Open

During the first night, it had been a rush with Isa to get to the safe house. During the morning, he had run for groceries, grabbing everything he could and making multiple runs. Why, you ask?

Well, in one corner of the ( Read more... )

luka redgrave, red (pokemon), usagi tsukino, demyx, kazutaka muraki, lea, alphonse elric, akechi mitsuhide, namine, olette, shoutarou hidari, ventus

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Comments 142

homewooork January 14 2011, 01:13:03 UTC
[ Olette doesn't have an awesome fugly scarf but she does have a makeshift orange bandana and she's busy assembling aforementioned sandwiches, seasoning stew, cutting up ingredients, etc. It's fun being recruited to cook when you can actually... cook. And yes. She will serve you. Even if you're not nice.

Just let her finish slapping this sandwich together. ]

This one's done!


prominence_glow January 14 2011, 02:04:42 UTC

[He looks over it briefly, can't see any problems with it, and gives a sharp nod.]

Lookin' good! So... [Stepping back, Lea looks over all the food assembled. This is enough for a bunch of people, so maybe they can take a brief brake to make something special...]

...Wanna help make a treat?


homewooork January 14 2011, 02:18:43 UTC
[ Olette shoots him a smile and nods. ]

Sure. What did you have in mind?


prominence_glow January 14 2011, 02:37:10 UTC
Right, get a couple of eggs and crack 'em into one of those bowls- [He points.] and whisk them up.

.[In the meantime, he gets some milk, pouring it into a saucepan. He places it onto an available fire, waiting for it to heat up.]

Ever make ice cream?


hardlyboiled January 14 2011, 05:10:04 UTC
[Have a tired looking Shoutarou dragging himself into the kitchen around dawn. He was just going to grab a few things to shove down Philip's throat before maybe some toast for himself.

Except. What. He pauses, hat in hand and a confused expression on his face. He was obviously one of the fighters out there, if the cut across his cheek and disheveled clothing is an indication.]

... Eh?


prominence_glow January 14 2011, 15:01:40 UTC
Hey! You!

[LEA SEES ALL. Okay, not really, but you're in his kitchen, buddy. He points a wooden spoon at Shoutarou.]

Over here! Eat. Now. Don't make me smack you with this, it'll hurt.

[After shoveling food down people's throats enough tonight, he can recognize the signs.]


wavesoakedlegs January 14 2011, 10:14:11 UTC
[A very tired and very hungry Mitsuhide is not going to pass up this invitation. When he slips back into the building, just aa dawn arrives, he takes a few minutes to clean his sword properly and wash his face and hands before investigating the table.]

You've worked hard.

[The smell is so good.]


prominence_glow January 14 2011, 14:10:17 UTC
Guess all that cooking for Isa's birthday came in handy after all.

[He gives a tired grin back, scooping up some hot stew into a bowl.]

He's the one who didn't want me running around with the ghosts, y'know.


wavesoakedlegs January 14 2011, 19:21:22 UTC
He's protective, then. Probably wise, as well.

[Mitsuhide inhales the lovely smells. Food always smells twice as good to him after he's been fighting for an extended period of time.]

I cook a lot myself, for my household, and can definitely say that it looks and smells very good. At the very least!

[A brief chuckle.]


prominence_glow January 14 2011, 19:30:15 UTC
...Huh. Never thought about it, but I guess he is really protective sometimes.

[The praise has him puff up in pride. Mitsuhide is someone he looks up to at least a little bit.]

I'm glad you like it! We've been working all night, and I'll probably go out when it's daylight to get more supplies. [He hands over the stew.]


x_tinman January 14 2011, 13:50:11 UTC
This is really nice of you, [Have one tired and disheveled looking alchemist smiling down at you as he stops in front of the table.] would it be alright If I grabbed some stew and sandwiches for my brother and I?


prominence_glow January 14 2011, 14:07:27 UTC
Go for it!

[Lea's already stacking two sandwiches on top of each other before glaring at the bowls. They can't exactly get on top of each other too...] Hold on.

[As he digs through some of the things they have gathered, he waves a hand absentmindedly.]

I'm Lea, by the way.


x_tinman January 14 2011, 14:19:38 UTC
Thanks, [Al blinks in confusion and watches him search through the clutter off to the side.] and I'm Al, nice to meet you Lea.

Are you... looking for something?


prominence_glow January 14 2011, 14:27:00 UTC
Yeah, a pl- found one!

[Grinning, he pops back upright. Placing a paper plate on top of one of the bowls, covering it, he then carefully places the other bowl on top of that.]

How good are you at balancing things?


Here! Have ANOTHER waifu! xlillackeykitty January 14 2011, 16:43:20 UTC
[ Have a surprise hair ruffle you could probably have caught coming if you weren't so busy fussing around the food. ]

Looks great. Anything I can do to help?


Waifus unite! prominence_glow January 14 2011, 16:54:30 UTC

[The Energizer Bunny that is Lea has been officially recharged. He beams up at one of his personal heroes the journalist.]

Yeah, tons! How good are you at cooking?


YAY WAIFU LEAGUE! xlillackeykitty January 14 2011, 17:32:50 UTC
[ Personal hero, eh? That sounds kinda cool. Have a smirk right back. ]

Yknow, I'd hate to brag but I think I'm pretty handy around the kitchen.

[ The bachelor's life. Learning how to cook impresses the ladies after all. ]


Now they just need a theme song. prominence_glow January 14 2011, 17:48:25 UTC
[There are only two! Feel proud.]

Awesome! Me and Olette have mostly been making stew and sandwiches. If you can think of anything else, you can make that too. I pretty much nabbed all sorts of stuff when I was out today.


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