Puzzle 03

Jan 01, 2011 12:12

Characters: Zexion and You!
Location: The library
Time: Afternoon - Evening
Style: Any
Status: So very open!

[Zexion was currently half curled up in a chair with a good fiction book, off in a corner where he rather hoped to remain unmolested by anyone happening to wander through the area. Which was unlikely, but one could always hope ( Read more... )


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Comments 19

prominence_glow January 1 2011, 20:00:06 UTC
[Unfortunately, Zexion won't get to enjoy the silence for much longer.

There's a lot of hissed cursing coming through the aisles, along with the sounds of books being tugged out, flipped through, and then being tossed aside. Eventually, Lea storms through, looking annoyed and tired as he rushes through the books. He's muttering to himself.]

Dammit, no, not this one or that one either...!


sechstel January 1 2011, 20:39:55 UTC
[It's the sound of the books being tossed to the ground without an apparent care for them which gets his attention more than the cursing. He's used to cursing considering the people he used to live with until his arrival in Vatheon.

Looking up from the book he holds he decides to speak up as the abuser of the books walks through.]

May I ask just what those books did to you that you treat them with such disregard? [A pause and he sets his book aside to uncurl from the chair and stand up.]

What is it that your looking for?


prominence_glow January 2 2011, 01:20:23 UTC
[At the voice, Lea pauses. The other boy he sees is vaguely familiar, and if he just put his mind to it, he could probably recognize a passing recognition. However, his mind is elsewhere.]

I can't find a decent map of the entire city! I just need to know where every single warehouse is, jeez... [His frustration is ebbing away just a little bit, and he's just a little embarrassed in the back of his mind for the mess he's made.]


sechstel January 6 2011, 04:26:26 UTC
[Have a raised eyebrow at that statement, Lea. Also a silent lengthy look now that you've been somewhat rebuked for your mistreatment of the books. Perhaps it was irony or something of the sort which brought a boy which looked considerably like Axel here.]

And why pray tell do you need to know that?


savage_nymph_12 January 1 2011, 20:58:17 UTC
[Larxene was wandering through the library, trying to find something interesting when she happened to see the very familiar Nobody curled up in the chair. She shook her head and went back to the books that she was looking at. She wanted something interesting and good but she couldn't find anything like that. Sighing and giving up, she wandered over to the other Nobody.]

Well well, if you aren't the picture of utter content.


sechstel January 1 2011, 21:07:55 UTC
[If he thought it would actually work, he'd just ignore her. Unfortunately, its more likely that the woman would just get more obnoxious and spiteful instead. So he gives her a rather bland look from over the top of his book.]


Still lacking in manners I see. Did you need something?


savage_nymph_12 January 1 2011, 21:15:29 UTC
[She smirked at him. She looked at the blank look and smirked even more.]

Zexion. [Although he always seemed rather emo, he was one of the only ones who called her, by her name.]

Still being Emo, I see. [She couldn't help but to retort back.] A good book would be nice.


sechstel January 1 2011, 21:23:24 UTC
[Ignoring the emo comment, he marks his place and closes his book for the moment. It's unlikely he'd be able to continue reading anyway until she left him alone.]

What sort of books do you like? [Yes, he was entirely willing to help her find something to read if it meant he could be left alone to his own reading quicker.]


homewooork January 1 2011, 23:35:50 UTC
[ there's someone in the library trying to be a good responsible girl and-- STUDY, MY GOD. She's already got three books tucked under one arm, and seems to be having some minor difficulty getting a fourth.

Because the fourth just so happens to be a good two shelves higher than her head. COME ON, OLETTE. STREEEETCH.

Zexion, you may be hearing some stifled noises of discontentment. ]


sechstel January 6 2011, 04:23:10 UTC
[He hears the noises indeed and at first he attempts to ignore them, but after a moment when they don't stop, he pauses in his reading and looks in the general direction they're coming from.

After a moment's consideration of what to do next, he decides to see just what is causing the noise and if necessary do something to make it cease so he can continue reading in peace and quiet once again.

So expect to see a man in a gray sweater and dark slacks come up behind you within the next minute or two.]

What are you trying to get?


homewooork January 6 2011, 07:54:15 UTC
[ Olette - instead of turning fully around - tips her head back and blinks somewhat owlishly. ]

... Um, there's that book of poetry-- [ and she points to it. Up on her toes, even. ]


sechstel January 7 2011, 16:44:01 UTC
[Zexion looks up following the pointing finger and after a moment of apparently pondering the wanted book's location, moves closer to the bookshelf to reach upwards to snag the book of poetry from it's location and hold it out toward the girl.]

This one?


orz Sorry this is late. dealwithaweek January 7 2011, 20:38:40 UTC
[After Haruka had told him flowers could have symbolic meaning, Roxas was curious at what exactly each plant had to say. So there he was at the library browsing each bookshelf, looking for a book to research on it. Too bad he wasn't really familiar with Mr. Dewey and his system. Roxas kept on wandering around some more until he saw a familiar face from way back into his early year.

So Zexion was alive too... just like Larxene. He curiously gazed at him from behind a shelf hiding the majority of his profile. He didn't really know Zexion as well as the others. Was he safe to approach?]


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