002 ♑ Eyes

Apr 03, 2010 18:22

Characters: (Eyes), Matthew, Cheshire, and YOU!
Location: Plaza near the coral.
Time: Mid-afternoon
Style: Either or.
Status: OPEN OPEN OPEN ( Read more... )

cheshire cat (are you alice?), saya minatsuki, sanae hanekoma, dominic sorel, noel vermillion, billy iketani, !alpha, klavier gavin, ema skye, yoshiya kiryu, peter white, matthew, eyes rutherford, alice? (are you alice?), neku sakuraba

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YOUR REACTIONS unbid April 3 2010, 22:30:22 UTC
lamufao April 4 2010, 01:39:22 UTC
[Poor Alpha, just working in his clinic and chuckling at the 'threat'. He's giving a boy a check up, humming as he works before BOOM THE CLINIC IS SHAKING. He is running out of there and watching the explosion from the front of his clinic before OH HE IS MAD.]



stalker_rabbit April 4 2010, 06:04:29 UTC
[ Ohai Alpha. Guess who is now unconscious near your clinic? 8) And because I'm evil, let's assume this is just a side-effect: he's knocked out cold. Idiot was too close to the blast, of course, because he didn't KNOW, and... well.

... Yeah, irony is a bitch. ]


lamufao April 4 2010, 12:03:55 UTC
[He spots the rabbit and runs a hand through his hair, ordering a nurse around now.]

You! Take the rabbit inside and be gentle, we can't have anyone damaging our go-- the foreigners! Damnit damnit, what is going on here?!


lolol guess he'll be out of work for awhile stalker_rabbit April 5 2010, 01:57:19 UTC
[ He's just sort of in shock and might have some hearing damage, but as intended, isn't hurt. Really, Peter, this is just karma.

The rabbit is completely unconscious, though. Because if he were even awake, his ears would be twitching; not even his tail is moving. But he is breathing, and a faint 'tick tick tick' noise is going a little slower in his chest than usual. ]


Re: YOUR REACTIONS only3choices April 4 2010, 01:53:41 UTC
[Kida thinks it's an earthquake at first - he's used to earthquakes, y'see, Japan and its fault lines and all. But that belief is quickly dashed as he looks for the closest spot that wouldn't get him crushed by a falling vending machine or something and sees the mark of something that is most definitely not an earthquake.]

I - what is this I don't even. [For once, he doesn't have a witty remark.]


protagonized April 4 2010, 04:28:50 UTC
I have no idea.

[He's looking just as startled here.]


only3choices April 5 2010, 01:50:39 UTC
I know, right? [He stands there watching for a bit.

And then runs his hands through his hair.] I know, right?! What the hell just happened here?! [He mutters.] Explosions, that's a new one...


protagonized April 5 2010, 03:59:12 UTC
[He sighs.]

I wouldn't put anything past this place anymore.


guiltyguitar April 4 2010, 06:02:23 UTC
... Gott verdammit! I knew this would happen!

[ He doesn't like this. Brb, looking for Ema and all. SO. CALLING A BOATLOAD OF PEOPLE RIGHT NOW. ]


sweeperesque April 4 2010, 07:16:50 UTC
[Saya isn't fond of outbursts. So she has to take a moment to try to console Klavier.]

Hey... Stop and breathe for a second, okay?


guiltyguitar April 4 2010, 08:54:24 UTC
... Breathe? I'm fine. But Ema--

[ The fact he used her first name will haunt him forever. From here on in, everything he says is inaudible, a jumble of untranslatable German, Borginian, and English. ]

... We have to do something about this. They're being too extreme. I warned people criminals could be brought here, but nein! No one listened...


sweeperesque April 4 2010, 09:00:33 UTC
[... nope, she didn't understand any of that jumble. So all she can do is scratch her head and sigh, the looking around for a body. Finding none, she turned to him.]

I know for a fact that criminals have been brought here too, though I only knew one who deals in petty crimes, and he's been on good behavior.

The approach is simple. Treat any of the injured here, get information, track down the one who caused this mess, find out their intentions, and if they are liable to causing harm again in the future... Well, there isn't a justice system yet, but they should at least be held in confinement.

Just one step at a time.


FFFFFFF I think I better make an investigation comment-- guiltyguitar April 4 2010, 09:05:00 UTC
... I know protocol; I'm a prosecutor. As such, I'm taking authority of this scene immediately. You're hereby currently promoted to a temporary detective--I need you to preserve every ounce of this place, do you understand?

[ He's. So. Serious. It's. Scary. ] Secondly, I need you to find a young woman around your age wearing pink glasses, a long lab coat, and a green undershirt. Her name is Ema Skye.

[ Klavier sighs, and he doesn't look happy. This is a look that says, 'please, PLEASE do as I ask while I go secure the crime scene'. ]


LMFAO XDD This is shaping up great. sweeperesque April 4 2010, 09:09:04 UTC
[... huh, what a change of pace. Nonetheless, she nods and even salutes. It's hard to intimidate her, but she acknowledges his authority.]

Got it. Leave it to me.

[She'll have to find Matthew later, looks like she's gotta tackle this first.]


KLAVIER MEANS SRS BSNS DAMMIT guiltyguitar April 4 2010, 09:13:13 UTC
[ He's surprisingly more collected than a majority of others. ]

... I appreciate it. I'm going to go find some gloves.

[ And move closer to the scene down here~ ]


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