(no subject)

Dec 25, 2010 23:40

Characters: Lord VoldemortTom Riddle & Open.
Location: Phanga area.
Time: Night fall.
Style: Third, past tense.
Status: Open like the sea.

[Being brought to Vatheon at such a crucial point had definitely thrown a wrench into his plans. But Tom was adaptable. He could shed his scales, so to speak, and don a new set suitable to this environment. Though that might take some work.

This was a strange environment, after all.

Striding passed the houses in his neighborhood, Tom pretended to be sight seeing. In reality, he was actually learning the lay-out of the city. Occasionally, he would pause and look up at a building, taking note of the architecture Vatheon employed.

For someone as brilliant as Tom, observing a building was like reading a book. For example, were these buildings fortified against attacks? Were the natives concerned about enemies? Or were they frightened of something else?

Turning away from one building in particular, the dark-eyed boy waved his wand, creating a glowing orb of light that hovered above his left shoulder.

It wouldn't do if he was surprised in the dark.]

amaterasu, harry potter, tom riddle, riku

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