
Apr 02, 2010 21:33

Characters: Joshua and well, anyone
Location: one of the big apartment roofs
Time: Evening
Style: Either!
Status: Open like a 7/11

It was late afternoon by the time Joshua opened his eyes again, not quite napping and not quite thinking but listening on the apartment roof. )

naoya, cheshire cat (are you alice?), sanae hanekoma, yoshiya kiryu, alice? (are you alice?)

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Finishing their previous thread is no rush bbcakes but I do enjoy these two <3 first_scorned April 3 2010, 07:31:37 UTC
Naoya wasn't particularly happy with the loss of his COMP, either. In fact, were his senses more supernatural, he would have been completely unable to tell a thing. Luckily, his knowledge was what brought him to the attention to other people--or beings--in most cases. But as Joshua was now powerless, he couldn't even feel him in the slightest ( ... )


gahhh I'll go tag that asap, sorry for the wait :< and me too, I was hoping you'd tag :> notating April 3 2010, 23:07:16 UTC
Joshua's lip curled just a touch, hand lifting again to tap his phone, tone thoughtful. "You don't like it?" And now Naoya gets some spicy salsa ringtone, followed by a satisfied hum. "There, now that's much more fitting. Unless you'd prefer something more somber?"

He glanced over finally, small smile still on his face even if he didn't particularly feel like smiling. Honestly this whole week had been rather annoying, but no need for a tantrum, as Mr. H said. Yet.


DON'T RUSH ON MY ACCOUNT. but oh god ilu ,kjjfdhg ♥ first_scorned April 3 2010, 23:36:01 UTC
... In fact, that was ten times more irritating, but somehow, he could just tell Joshua was as out of sorts as him, so he smiled back.

"Music is always evolving," he answered thoughtfully, "though I feel Mozart would weep to know his works were now in poor, eight-bit cellphones and shortened." But really, was a ringtone the true conversation here? He suspected not.


♥♥♥♥ Naoya is so fun :> thus the salsa notating April 4 2010, 00:10:30 UTC
Joshua grinned at that, much more sincerely then before and in pointed amusement. "Always evolving- yes, that's what makes it powerful, isn't it?" He held his phone up and aimed the camera at Naoya. "And would he? Evolution, mimicry, it's supposedly a flattering thing. You know Achilles went fighting to his death to be immortal in the minds of men and stories. Isn't Mozart's music living to this age the same thing?"

Click, say cheese.


FFFFFF ♥♥♥♥ god you just wait Naoya's gonna get you back for that pic. first_scorned April 4 2010, 00:38:46 UTC
... He doesn't seem too happy to have flashing going on in his red eyes, if the blinking is any indication. You have captured a blurry scowl.

"Music is only powerful in the proverbial form, as it dominates all cultures and minds, but not physically. But then, all art is similar in that aspect. Though paintings, not as much." As for Achilles... "Seeking immortality is foolish. Being imprinted on history, however... well, I suppose that is the only way humans can find comfort, knowing they will die."

Anyway, whether you like it or not, Naoya just leans against the side of the building. Yeah, he's pretty tired. "In ancient Greece, when a victor--a general, for example--would always have a slave behind him during his parades... the poor fool's sole job was to remind the man being honored that though he now lived greatly, he could die tomorrow. Life is a fickle thing," he concluded, amused. "Respice post te. Hominem te memento..." He finished, in near perfect accent.


He's going to treasure that picture :> it's so Naoya. it'll pop up if he calls with the salsa music notating April 4 2010, 01:23:57 UTC
"You really think so?" Joshua mused, saving that gem of a picture into eternity. "Did you know every person has their own tune? It's very subtle, most people can't hear it." He said idly, holding the phone up for Naoya to see his picture in all it's scowling glory. "Like yours, for example. It's very old."

That bit of information about the triumphant general made Joshua smile, closing his phone. He had said the very same thing to Sanae only moments before. Naoya was truly amusing. "Look behind you, remember you are but a man." He answered back. "Memento mori, in simpler terms. Just as we said before, absolute power corrupts absolutely, those ancients-" He pocketed his phone. "They were clever. Perhaps this city is clever in it's own way, though hardly as subtle with whispering memento mori into our ears." He said, glancing at his now fully human hand.


FFFF ROFLMAO. Man Joshua you suck. xD first_scorned April 4 2010, 01:36:09 UTC
Naoya is quiet. The image doesn't really bother him; his body wouldn't last forever. Eventually he'd die. Though it was still somewhat irritating, he looks back to Joshua, quirking a brow.

"Oh? And why is it you can hear this? Similar to reading auras, I suppose," he muses. Naoya isn't feigning innocence... so much as he's trying to avoid the subject of his true age in a very crafty way. "And I bet you can't hear it very well at all right now, can you? Thus your need to break the silence... it must be cumbersome to suddenly lose such familiar a sense, but not entirely."

His face curls into a smirk, and he's not going to in the least mention his powers are also gone. He's just using deductive reasoning at this point; he was NEVER wrong. "... You know, Joshua is an ancient name. Care to tell why you ended up with such a nickname?"


He trolls because he cares :> notating April 4 2010, 04:07:08 UTC
Joshua hummed offhandedly as Naoya hit the nail on the head, not letting anything show on his face because really, that would be far too easy.

"Say Naoya, do you like games?" He asked, looking over suddenly with a smile. "I can tell you the answer to that, but you have to tell me something too. It's only fair." He waved a hand before his smile sharpened slightly. "Something like... what your first name was. I have my theories but assumptions aren't very polite, are they?"


PFFFFT the same could be lied--I MEAN SAID--about Naoya. |D first_scorned April 4 2010, 05:50:21 UTC
Hm... this one would be a difficult one to break, he realized. He had him cornered... even now. That quickly. He laughs.

"The only games I enjoy are the ones that have use," he says, amused. "I believe I told you my first name, did I not? It's Naoya."

With a crafty move of words, he had dodged the question entirely by distorting what Joshua was asking.


they're obviously kindred spirits B] evil bastard club man notating April 4 2010, 06:05:38 UTC
"All games have use, entertainment for one." Joshua answered idly. "Stakes, for another." He smiled at Naoya's evasion. It wasn't quite the game he was used to but it was close.

"Oh, perhaps I should be clearer. First name as in the very first name you were ever christened with- or should I simply say 'called?" He said, the slip blaringly intentional as he turned his smile to Naoya.


Ffff that may be but I sense a love/hate relationship also assuming they're both on the roof~ first_scorned April 4 2010, 07:02:43 UTC
... Naoya's smile doesn't fade at all. In fact... it increases. His red eyes become even redder; a depth to them, an intensity that no human, no soul, should have. It was the Mark of Cain. He hid it well, but not well enough. His mask was breaking.

He steps closer to Joshua, a loud 'Clack!' from his geta resounding like the only noise around them. His smile is... it's not at all sane. It's not at all safe. It's... it's frightening. It was unlike any expression a man should have; even serial killers did not smile like this. ... This man was unafraid of death, unafraid of all the things a mortal should be, and yet he was one. And so, here he was.

"Qayin," he says, unwavering, getting far too close to the other boy, but not quite close enough to touch. He'd invaded Joshua's personal bubble, however. "Or perhaps it would be easier for you to understand it as... the First Son of Man, Cain."


LOL it is so a love/hate relationship. an epic one. and they are~ notating April 4 2010, 07:18:33 UTC
Joshua watched with a mild expression, even as something in the look sent a shudder down his spine. It was so very primal in it's intensity, something even he on his throne in Shibuya had yet to see in the Players and Reapers that passed him by.

It made him smile a little more. It had been a very long time since he felt anything like fear.

"'Then the Lord said to Cain, 'Why are you enraged? Why are you downcast? If you do right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do right, sin is crouching at your door. Its desire is for you, but you must master it.''" Joshua answered him, pulling himself straight except for the cock of his head, not moving away or closer otherwise. "What a bloody history you have Naoya, who would have thought."


A bit more 'hate' than 'love' right now. xD first_scorned April 4 2010, 07:30:08 UTC
"Bloody... oh, you know NOTHING of bloodshed, boy," he asserted, now that Joshua was aware of his full age. And he had really ignited Naoya's fuse--this pissed him off almost as much as was humanly possible.

"Don't you dare quote that drivel at me," he snarled, red eyes burning daggers into the other boy's. "They know nothing. The writers of those books knew absolutely nothing!" Though his powers were not working, an ancient air was just... stirring, from his anger. This happened whenever he got mad.

In other words, it could be sensed. It should be feared. "My history is only bloody because it was destined to be that way from the very start. God plays very dirty pool with His so-called 'sons'! My life was rigged from the very beginning of my birth."


well that one's more fun :> notating April 4 2010, 07:38:37 UTC
Oh, it was sensed, enough that Joshua's eyes narrowed above his smile. "No free will? Did he put the weapon in your hand? No, you have your point. We were all created with particular... certainties in our souls. Even if the road is always forked and one we choose with our own minds."

"But as you say, the writers know nothing. What is the truth Naoya?" He asked, tilting his head up. "What truth is so strong it would lead you to raise your hand against God with the very same intent that cursed your name?"


Fffffffff you know if MC comes here he is probably gonna try to kill Josh. xD;; first_scorned April 4 2010, 07:50:11 UTC
Naoya narrowed his eyes. His anger was growing; so was his frustration. ... It was clear that this did not happen very often, even if one briefly met him. "It has nothing to do with that. He could have prevented every turn of that event, and yet He still demanded what He KNEW would end badly."

His laughter is mirthless. "Who do you think TAUGHT you how to kill others? I was His patsy. He LAUGHS at humanity. The Tower of Babel, the rejection of Adam and Eve, the damnation of demons and humans coexisting--it was all His will simply because HE wants nothing more than to use humanity as though we're pawns on a chess board."

He nearly hisses out the words. Naoya's denial is extreme in his own actions, for he cannot forgive himself so much as he can forgive God, either, for the fact that He could have stopped Abel's death. "Even now! Even after! He sent His favored little Messiahs to do His dirty work, slaughter thousands of innocent men, women, children... His own lineage. And yet one death is worth more than all of those lives which ( ... )


LOL the little shit probably deserves it :| if MC does come we'll have to plot some conflict~ notating April 4 2010, 08:22:11 UTC
The suppressed violence was easy to see but the reasoning behind why Naoya hadn't indulged in strangling him was not quite as obvious. That caught Joshua's interest almost as much as the words, that strange way something seemed to be pulling the other man.

My, God certainly did make a mess. He remained neutral, even if something in his eyes changed, maybe even softened in a way that was nearly impossible to pick out.

"You give Him a lot of credit and blame." Joshua answered, brushing at his bangs. "Answer me this Naoya- or should I say Cain? Do you regret taking his life for the punishment or the act itself?"


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