
Dec 05, 2010 23:11

Characters: Kairi (charmedsea) and YOU!
Location: Wandering around the Plaza
Time: Start of the event; midday?
Style: Starting in action, but prose is fine too!
Status: Totes open.

[What is this? A bitty redhead seems to be wandering around the Plaza of Vatheon, looking rather lost... like several other children around her. She is rather cautiously ( Read more... )

sora, raenef v, kairi, riku, amaterasu, asato tsuzuki, !curse: sixteen, england (arthur kirkland), flynn scifo

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youngdefender December 6 2010, 07:19:50 UTC
[Have a bitty silver-haired kid wandering around the coral, too... rather curious as to what was going on. He didn't seem as lost, probably because he was making the best of it and exploring. This was what Riku wanted after all, to go exploring somewhere that wasn't just one of the islands.

-but the voice behind him makes him stop in his tracks, and he saw a girl who's probably just a year younger than he is - ew, cooties - but hey, maybe she could use a little help. So, Riku turns to face her and walks over with his head tilted to the side.] You're lost, too?


ittyflowers December 6 2010, 07:36:34 UTC
[She turns quickly, eyes widening as she takes a timid step back. That was definitely not Grandma... but he didn't seem mean, either. Carefully, she just nods her head.]


youngdefender December 6 2010, 07:41:09 UTC
[He smiles a bit, trying not to be so scary. ...Now that he thought about it, most people on the islands that weren't grown ups thought he was a bit scary too. Or weird, because of his hair.] Hey, it's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you.

I'm Riku. What's your name?


ittyflowers December 6 2010, 07:50:05 UTC
I know, [She said softly, blinking at him with large blue eyes. It wasn't so much the fact that she found him scary as that she seemed to find this entire place a little scary. She had no idea where she was, and there were lots and lots of strangers. But this boy seemed... somehow comforting, and she hesitated.] Kairi, [She finally replied, tugging on the hem of her dress shyly.]


youngdefender December 6 2010, 07:59:42 UTC
[Funny how that works, huh. Well, the big kids had warned him 'bout the so-called 'cooties' thing - but who cared? They were just big jerks, anyway - so he held out a hand to her, smiling a bit more.] Nice to meet you.

Hm... Maybe if we stuck together, we'd find who we're looking for. Have you seen a kid our age with brown spiky hair?


ittyflowers December 6 2010, 08:35:51 UTC
[A hand! Kairi stares at the hand for a good moment, thinking. This was a rather big decision! But she decides that Riku seems very nice and that it is definitely okay to take his hand, even if her grandma told her to never go off with strangers.

He wasn't a stranger, anyway. He was Riku!

Have a timid smile.] Okay. Um, I don't think so. Who is that?


youngdefender December 6 2010, 08:42:33 UTC
[He keeps it outstretched until Kairi takes it, then tilts his head to the side. Why so shy?]

His name's Sora; he's my best friend and... a bit of a derp. He keeps getting himself lost, even back home where it's a lot smaller than this place.

[Nothing like a little fun at a friends' expense to break the ice, right?] Let's go see if we can find him and your grandma, [he says before he begins leading them off.]


ittyflowers December 6 2010, 08:47:52 UTC
[Because the world is so big and different here! But she smiles when they clasp hands, coming closer to his side.

Huh. She tilts her head right back, curious.] What's a derp? [But she follows-- rather closely, almost hiding behind Riku if they happen to pass by any older kids. He'll protect her, right?]


youngdefender December 6 2010, 08:53:18 UTC
[He laughed a bit under his breath.] Someone who's really silly...and possibly a bit of a klutz.

[Of course he'll protect Kairi. She's a friend, now!]


ittyflowers December 6 2010, 09:26:06 UTC
Oh! [She thinks very hard. Had she met anyone like that yet? She didn't think so...]

[Yaaay! She seems a bit more confident, now that she has a friend to save her from all the scary strangers.]


youngdefender December 6 2010, 10:18:57 UTC
Yeah. I heard one of the big kids calling someone that.. and that's what they told me. [He smiles a bit again, looking around for any familiar faces.]

[And yay for confidence boost! Also, keywords.]


ittyflowers December 6 2010, 10:29:33 UTC
Okay. [A nod. Kairi is now on the lookout for a Derp! With spiky brown hair. After a few minutes of silence, she ventures,] Where are you from?


youngdefender December 6 2010, 11:28:08 UTC
[Hm, to tell her or not to tell her. Then again, this was a different world, so maybe Kairi wasn't from here either.] A place called Destiny Islands. It's a chain of small islands, but... most of us just stick to the main and play islands.



ittyflowers December 7 2010, 02:13:56 UTC
[That seems to interest her. She'd never seen an island before either, and wondered what it was like. She wrinkles her nose as she thinks about her reply to Riku's question; her home was hard to pronounce sometimes.]

I'm from... Radiant Garden. [She says each syllable slowly, making sure she got it right. A slight pause, and then suddenly she seems to light up, holding Riku's hand tightly as she almost skips alongside him.] It's really big and really pretty, and there's lots of flowers all over and Grandma lets me pick them sometimes!


youngdefender December 7 2010, 08:16:09 UTC
[And he'd never been to a big city before, so this was new for both of them apparently.] Radiant Garden?

[Whee for pronunciations getting better as you age! Flowers? Tch. How girly.] Sounds cool, [he said, unable to hide his curiosity. Riku likes hearing about other worlds almost as much as seeing them himself.]


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