♫ ❝first prophecy❞ → open log

Dec 01, 2010 15:25

Characters: letsgoonmyouji and Vatheon
Location: Main Plaza
When: Morning
Style: Any - I'll be starting with action, but I'll shift to whatever is most comfortable.
Status: Open like Rao's kimono.

A foresee a deep, wet adventure! [A rather eccentrically-dressed man is seen with his fingers splayed out in front of him in an odd gesture. He seems to be sparkling faintly ( Read more... )

amaterasu, tao master ushiwaka, esther blanchett, alice (pandora hearts), enjin hiizumi

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esthydear December 1 2010, 22:25:33 UTC
[Esther had decided to go out and get some fresh air. She had been kept up in her apartment for quite some time due to her fall sickness and other depressing happenings. But she was feeling much better now.

It would have been quite difficult not to notice the strange man waving his arms about while soaking wet in the middle of the plaza. It didn't take but a split second for her to realize he was new and that he would be in need of some help. So she gracefully made her way over to him.]

Excuse me, sir? Are you in need of some assistance?


letsgoonmyouji December 2 2010, 00:36:41 UTC
Hm? Oh, I think I am. I'm a bit...new. [He leaves it at that, tapping his flute against his cheek as he looks at her, smiling pleasantly.]


esthydear December 2 2010, 01:31:10 UTC
Yes, I can tell by your wet attire. Speaking of, would you like me to escort you to a place where you can get some dry clothing?


letsgoonmyouji December 2 2010, 02:12:52 UTC
Oh it'll dry off on it's own - a little info on this place would be helpful though, little beauty. [He smiles pleasantly, pointing his flute at her.]


esthydear December 2 2010, 02:28:01 UTC
A towel, then?

Ahah. [She gently touched the tip of said flute and moved it away from her. Being as nice as possible about not wanting said object in her face.] Well, this place is called Vatheon. It's an underwater city and you, like me and all the other foreigners, were brought here for unknown reasons. And there is currently no sure way of leaving this place. So in other words, you're kind of stuck.


letsgoonmyouji December 2 2010, 02:32:02 UTC
Well I knew that much. [He frowns, flute against his cheek again as he tilts his head to the side.]

Anything about that big guy back there? [He points his flute over his shoulder at Lamufao. Then to the fairy hovering by him.]

Or that little one?


sorry. lj went pbth. ;; esthydear December 2 2010, 04:29:59 UTC
Oh, the locals here refer to the coral as the great Lamufao. It's supposedly the main power source behind this place. If you ever feel weak you can just touch it and you will feel revived.

[She smiled up to his fairy] Nobody knows much about them, they're just kind of always there.


don't worry! i fought valiantly/swore through the pbth myself 8|; letsgoonmyouji December 2 2010, 04:37:42 UTC
My my, they keep information tight-lipped here, don't they?

How inconvenient. [He doesn't seem...too terribly heartbroken about this.]


sobb so lame esthydear December 2 2010, 04:47:08 UTC
Yes, I'm afraid so.

It does prove terribly inconvenient at times... Also, I suppose I should warn you that every other week a curse falls over this town. The curses aren't always harmful but they sometimes can be. Before my time here there was a zombie mermaid curse. And that proved to be quite damaging to the town and its people.


wonder what it was about hurp letsgoonmyouji December 2 2010, 04:52:20 UTC
A curse. [His eyes flick, for just a moment to Lamufao, but then right back to her face.]

...that does sound bad, doesn't it? [Tapping his cheek again.]

Well, I'll see what I can do then.


we made it asplode esthydear December 2 2010, 05:11:45 UTC
The curses aren't always bad, though. Sometimes they can be quite... uplifting. There hasn't really been a negative curse for a while now. So everyone is kind of on edge waiting for when something bad will happen again... We all just have to keep on our toes.


FIRST AIM NOT LJ OH NO.... letsgoonmyouji December 2 2010, 05:13:19 UTC
Oh? [He seems interested. A good curse?]

Tell me, what kind of good curses could you have?


asdfghjkl esthydear December 2 2010, 05:28:06 UTC
Well... a while back there was a curse that made one feel very happy.


letsgoonmyouji December 2 2010, 05:29:38 UTC
Well that's no curse, is it?


esthydear December 2 2010, 05:47:41 UTC
[She smiled at that] You're quite the interesting person, mister... [oh, it was then she realized she doesn't know his name.]


letsgoonmyouji December 2 2010, 06:17:15 UTC
[He spares her the theatrics (lucky her) for once and just smiles and snaps (still holding his flute), pointing right at her, and gives a wink.]

Waka, the God's gift to man, baby! A pleasure to meet you.


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