Mass Broadcast

Nov 22, 2010 00:53

[A feed pops on to the SFC, each and every one without fail. No way to exit out or anything, making sure that each and every resident sees the post. It's Alpha, of course, sitting not in the stark white office of his clinic but in a brown library like office somewhere else. Curious! Though, nothing changes as his face is that of a grumpy man once again.

He stares at the camera. A moment or two of silence passes before he sticks his tongue out at the camera in a childish manor and begins to speak.]

You're all a bunch of idiots. Especially you, stupid vampire. Do I need to send you back or strip your powers? Really. Really.

Anyone who assisted him in his tantrum are going to find themselves waking up in animal costumes tomorrow morning, thank you. Along with you, idiot vampire. Someone really needs to shave down your fangs and possibly put you on a diet. How's O negative, hm?

[His voice is sharp and clipped and obviously very annoyed.]

Nevertheless, each and every day, dear Vatheon, you show me how little your intelligence rises. For once, I was quite inclined to perhaps give you a praise of some sort. Maybe cookies, everyone likes cookies so, yes. But no, you once again, disappoint me. I'm so very disappointed.

[A sigh and he lifts a hand to his head dramatically, throwing himself back on the chair. He stays like that for half a minute or so before looking back at the camera.]

Anyway, idiots, what do you want for Christmas, hm?


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