♪♫ Tenshi 02

Nov 07, 2010 22:22

Characters: Kanade and YOU!
Location: Kanade's Music Store
Time: Mid-Day
Style: Either
Status: OPEN~!

Around 1 pm or so the residents of Vatheon will suddenly begin to hear some loud music coming from the edge of the middle district. Or, more specifically, the Music Store. Instead of the usual mellow piano music Kanade usually plays, she is now playing an electric keyboard version of this song accompanied by a lot of bass from the speakers in the store. People who come into the store might wonder which is more strange: the fact that a girl like Kanade is playing a song like this or the fact that she has the same expression she usually does while playing said song. Either way, it surely is an odd sight to behold.

Once the first song is over with, she begins her second song of the day...

!curse: fourteen, kanade tachibana, roy mustang, red (pokemon)

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