03~He stalks in the night like a disastrous beast

Nov 03, 2010 16:52

Characters:  Nikola Tesla and vatheon.
Location: The plaza
Time: Night- forwarddated to the 6th
Style:  Anything you want!
Status: Open like your jugular veins. :D

He was shaking.

It was not particularly cold- Nikola had his lab coat on, anyways- but there was a chilling feeling that was settling into his bones as he was walking around the city. That, and a peculiar headache that made him wince every time it throbbed.

There were all symptoms of his withdrawal from the medicine, he was sure of it. There was still one pill left, but he had been saving it for when he felt he really needed it. He could control himself, couldn't he? He didn't need some pill to keep a hold on the side that was hiding in his genes.

Tesla folded his arms, trying to ignore what was happening to him. If Helen were here now, she would be all over him, telling him how he shouldn't be so stubborn. The scientist sighed at the image. Okay, fine. He would take the last pill, and everything would be peachy until he found a way to make more of the medicine.

Digging into his pocket, he brought out the little box that contained the cure for his bloodlust. He opened it, then took out the tiny white pill that was inside.

But then there was a sudden tremble in his hand, and Nikola watched in horror as the pill dropped down to the ground, rolling towards the edge of a nearby stream.

"No. No no no no no NO!" Tesla rushed towards it, trying to catch it before it fell, but the effort was in vain. He could only watch in shock as the pill sunk to the bottom, dissolving quickly.

That was his cure. Now, he was by himself. No pill, no Magnus, only him and his vampiric side. The scientist shuddered. Suddenly, he could hear the rhytmic heartbeats of everyone walking nearby. No wonder his head was throbbing. He pulled himself to his feet, his limbs trembling as he felt his eyes adjust to the darkness.

Okay. Even if his vampiric side was showing, he was still the person who had promised a certain brilliant colleague that he wouldn't feast on human beings.


(ooc: Yeah, he'll just be here, looking like a really sick person. If you're really astute, you would notice the shark-like teeth, coal-black eyes, and long black nails. Approach at your own risk?)

larxene, alucard (hellsing), nikola tesla, kagome higurashi, akihiko sanada, kageyama shun

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