Battler ۩ 01

Oct 07, 2010 16:25

Characters: Battler Ushriomiya and vatheon 
Location:  Forest, then the Library
Time: Around 11 Am 
Style: First...What is this laziness you speak of
Status: Open like a chessboard.

[Battler paced around  the forest with various thoughts flowing in his brain. First off, he should be worried about Beato. She said she would challenge him with a new game board,  but she was never clear. Was the forest a test? Or was it just his imagination.  The only way he'll find out is if he asks her directly. A cold drop of sweat ran down his head.  He was getting a bad feeling, but there's no use thinking about now. He had other worries.

He was also worried about his relatives back home. How exactly did the culprit commit the murders? In the first game, it was impossible for him to tell. He was still confused about which part of the puzzle he should tackle first.. Should he be concentrating on the epitaph or should he be cornering the culprit? He spent a great deal of time sorting out his thoughts. He recalled his relatives alibi's and drew up possible conclusions. He wanted to prove them innocent and he wanted to deny the witch.

Keeping those victory conditions in mind, it was hard for him to counterattack such a cruel opponent. He was caught in a deadlock.  Since he had time, he decided to check out the library.

Maybe he could find some clues about the Witch's epitaph. It was worth a shot.

He made his way inside the library and sat down somewhere. Battler had a sheet of paper with the epitaph written on it took him a moment to find it. ]

My beloved hometown, the sweetfish river running through it.
You who seek the Golden land, follow its path downstream and seek the key.

If you follow the river downstream, you will find a village.
In the village, look for the shore the two will tell you of.
There sleeps the key to the Golden Land.
He who lays hand upon the key shall travel under the rules below.

At the first twilight, you shall lift up as sacrifice the six chosen by the key.
At the second twilight, the surviving shall tear apart the two who are close.
At the third twilight, the surviving shall praise my honorable name on high.
At the fourth twilight, gouge the head and kill.
At the fifth twilight, gouge the chest and kill.
At the sixth twilight, gouge the stomach and kill.
At the seventh twilight, gouge the knee and kill.
At the eighth twilight, gouge the leg and kill.
At the ninth twilight, the Witch shall be revived and none shall be left alive.
At the tenth twilight, the journey shall end and you should reach the village of gold.

The Witch will praise the wise, and should bestow four treasures.
One shall be, all the gold from the Golden Land.
One shall be, the resurrection of the souls of all the dead.
One shall be, even the resurrection of the lost love.
One shall be, to put the Witch to sleep for all time. Sleep peacefully, my most beloved witch, Beatrice.

[He read it out loud but nothing really pinged him. ]

So in other's like this..."Solve the epitaph or the murders will continue.." Ahhh..! It's useless. It's all useless.

What's 'Sweet fish'? Is it literal...This is father we're talking about...he wouldn't do something so simple...It's useless.

battler ushiromiya

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