(no subject)

Jun 20, 2006 22:07

I find it interesting how i mention something bad that is happening to me and only THREE people tell me it'll be okay and if i need anything she is there! Brandie you are a true friend! Mandie so are you, since we chated text message wise back and forth but still. And of course Chris, but he has to put up with me so hey what can i say!!! Anyways for everyone else screw it, I'm tired of having people say they are my friends when they can't even offer their condolences. You know that each and everyone one of you would be just like me, upset at the death of a highly beloved pet and you all would want condolences and confort and all that jazz but none of you give it out, so when something like that happens to you all you will only get pity from me because you all are too caught up in your own lives to worry about anyone who isn't directly infront of you!
All I have to say is THANK YOU to Chris, Brandie, and Mandie for actually being the only ones I can truly call my friends!

Okay enough ranting on that subject so on to the next! I LOVE WORK, yeah its hard at times keeping thousands of dollars straight but its still cool! I love the girls i work with and I LOVE the PAYCHECKS I get! can we say MUCHA MULA??? i know i spelt that wrong but i'm not too worried about that right now! anyways other then that not much is happening I start nursing classes in the fall but other then that not much is happening.... oh btw i may be getting chris's mustang if he sales his truck to buy a new one!!! ANYWAYS everything else is as of normal! okay enough from me I must go sleep!!! 6:30 comes way to fast for me!
Nighty night!
Loves to all
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