Dec 24, 2003 10:49
well it wont be that merry for me bc i feel like shit...& after reading patti's lj i think i got her sick..(i am sorry)...Reason y?
we went to see ROTK on monday (needs more legolas!!!!).....but over all it was good times... they dressed him in a new outfit ahhh o baby o baby!...anyway i started coughing and shit during the movie & i wouldnt stop coughing..patti told stop coughing damit (well it didnt should have but didnt)lol...
so yesterday i started feeling mom made me a doctor i went...basically the doctor & i sat there and talked about rutgers the hole time & then told me i have sinusitus..he gave me i went home & rested...then i had to call kristin & tell her i couldnt chill....bc if the doctor gave me antibiotics that meets its contagious & i would feel like shit if i got her sick over the holidays right b4 she goes to chicago w/ andy...& then andy would get sick..& then i would feel like crap..
so ya tonight i am goin to my aunt & uncles to exchange gifts (the usaul) mom told me i should bring a tissue box....& i shouldnt be contagious tonight bc i took the medicine during the day
I am sorry that i got u sick everyone else who is not sick..U SHOULD B HAPPY U DonT have to blow ur NOSe While OPENING XMAS GIFTS!!!!!
xoxoxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxxooxoxxo~ me