Apr 10, 2006 18:19
So Washington, D.C. was absolutely the best time I've ever had with people from my school. Inside jokes were made, parties were had.
Playing ultimate frisbee at 2 AM is the best thing ever. Especially when Dr. Rodriguez decides to push Camila down and Camila elbows me in the face.
Wolf Parade last night was fantastic. And now, I wait for a FULL month to see another show. The anticipation! The AGONY! teh suxx0rz.
I'm not going to school on Wednesday, I think I lost my Hamlet on the M14D, and I have a Calculus test tomorrow. Besides that, 55% on Calculus quiz, 90 on Latin quiz, and failed Forensic Geology quiz that I took today. Worst day ever? I wouldn't say so. Pretty bad day? Yeah.