I hate my shower because I don't get to decide what temperature it is.
I injured my elbow doing the laundry last week and it doesn't seem to be getting much better. Poor elbow.
I came home to find what looked like blood on the rats' perch. I say blood because it seemed like a lot to be porphyrin and there wasn't any on their faces. I inspected them and they seemed all right. I decided that they killed and ate an entire mouse. I'm not sure what the real story is.
(I looked on a
Rat FAQ web site to find out about porphyrin, and I also found this question:
'Should I pee on my rat?'
What?? How many people had to wonder this to make it a frequently asked question??)
I also gave them some treats, and instead of handing it to them, I've been letting them grab their own out of the tub. Today Splinter shoved the entire front half of his body in and came out with one treat in his mouth and three or four in his arms and then he ran away before I had a chance to object. What a glutton!
I signed up for a yoga class my school is hosting. It's an hour and fifteen minutes every Tuesday right after school for nine weeks, and it's three dollars a class. I'm super stoked.