this is really spread out- sorry for any confusion lol

Sep 11, 2004 19:22

i havent really posted in awhile. i dont know where to even start though. lots has happened.
last night was the football game. hannah went which was awesome. hmm the rally was yesterday. went shopping today and got a lot of stuff. twas lots of fun.. ill be posting some pictures from the mall on here- kelsey, kristin, and i went. soo great. hahah good memories.
hmm hannah stayed the night last night. we talked to austin for like hours on the phone! haha hes hilarious!! i love that guys hair!!! i saw brandon yesterday- didnt really talk much. i dont really care though- just want to catch up with him as a FRIENDS ONLY basis haha... hmm
this week has kinda went by fast but mostly not. i hate school i hate school I HATE SCHOOL!!!
kristi is leaving on friday. i dont know i guess it just really sunk in today. i was just doing my makeup getting ready for the day, and kept thinking about it. i just started crying and then realized i need to shape up lol. shes going to have SUCH a great time, and she'll have so many new openings in her life that she will love. i cant be selifish about everything. shes just like an older sister to me. i feel like she can understand me so well. she has gone through everything that i have.. and even though so many other people have-- i jsut feel like she is one of only people that knows me the best. i cant wait to go visit her in santa barbara.. as well as next xmas go see dirk with her! hehe- i love dirk.. sooooo...... PINK.
i saw without a paddle last weekend.. ITS A MUST
napolian dynomite is pretty funny as well.
english: going good
biology: the teachers weird but the class is alright
history: pretty fun.. easy
lunch: sucks... buut leslie and kelsey and kristin have 4th so whoohoo!
i cant rememeber whats next...
oh yeah.. francais: i really understand it!! its alright tho
geometry: the teachers confusing me
dance production: its pretty fun

never EVER call me tina.. nate has been getting people to call me tina and i hate that name!! it doesnt fit me!!! sorry if your names tina... but its cute on some people.. but realllly not me. grrr!
tomorrow is church- anson is so great. i wrote a letter to him and cari.. it was for our challenge..which was "write a letter to the person that helped save you".. and i was already saved but not fully. like calvary was great but just not directed to my age. anson broke things down for me and i think i just strayed away from God a lot. and thanks to cari for bringing me to church... and anson for helping resave me! hehe :-D

hmm okay well have a good day

by the way... the song by the calling- 'our lives' is really great.
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