Design patterns

Sep 10, 2016 22:26

22:26 10.09.2016

Design patterns


Краткое содержание:
паттерны -- это типа словарь, чтобы люди могли говорить на одном языке, обсуждая код.
Культивировать надо понимание (и умение рассуждать об) применимости тех или иных паттернов.


Here's the deal with design patterns ... They are observations, not rules. People noticed that programmers seemed to be approaching problems in similar ways in a bunch of different applications, and they decided that it would be pretty useful to be able to talk about those approaches using a common vocabulary so they wouldn't have to keep explaining what they were referring to. So they figured out general versions of these common practices and gave them names like "Visitor" and "Observer."

But the important part is "understand why." The skill you need to cultivate to become a good developer and to be attractive to the kinds of companies in the question isn't plugging together objects from a library of canned formulas, but rather understanding the reasoning behind them deeply enough that, when faced with the same problem, you will arrive at the same solution on your own. And much more importantly, when faced with a similar but not identical problem, you will do something else rather than try to shoehorn the solution into an existing design pattern that's an awkward fit.

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