GOP report on COVID-19 origins homes in on lab leak theory

Aug 02, 2021 11:21

самое важное там "The Republican report, which is based on open source material...". т.е. в их картине мира профессиональный политик с гуманитарным образованием( earned a Bachelor of Arts in history from San Antonio's Trinity University in 1984 and a Juris Doctor from St. Mary's University three years later) может, почитавши газет, самостоятельно распознать и сделать вывод об генноинженерном происхождении вируса.

ну и вишенкой:"McCaul also calls on the House Foreign Affairs Committee to subpoena Peter Daszak, an American scientist who has come under scrutiny for his connection with the Wuhan lab and involvement in publishing an open letter in February 2020.."

2019-ncov, конспирология, science

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