Sep 04, 2005 02:16
First off, read front page for more details.
But to summarize, SA's server farm is in a colocation center in New Orleans. It was kept up for a while but eventually the OC3 lines going out went down (Not the companies fault) so they had to take down SA to conserve bandwidth for more necessary servers. No big deal, a couple days later SA folks get a basic front page up using a re-direct to let everyone know what happened, and then they put up a link for using Paypal to donate money for the hurricane relief fund. (Red Cross)
Well, Lowtax (The main guy) donated $3000 of his own money first, straight to the Red Cross, then, within 7 hours the Paypal account he setup for donations was up to $20,000. All well and good except this is where Paypal stepped in, said they'll be taking the funds because Lowtax didn't "specify an address for delivery." Note that he setup the account for donations and even specified as such. And now with practically no way to get a hold of Paypal, they're keeping the $20,000 instead of it going to the Red Cross for helping out.
Yay for Paypal being such shitty people. :V