(no subject)

Jul 04, 2010 17:59

It's the Things You'd Say to Ten Different People meme but I'm dropping the "ten", since I can and well I don't have ten people to say to.

-I used to have some respect for you, until you decided to single me out just because I didn't like your dance style and then didn't kiss your ass when you got upset was very low. I really thought that you were above this kind of childish crap, but you're just as immature as the rest of your troupe and a good fraction of your fans. Seriously, grow up; not everyone's going to like you.

-I wasn't telling you who to be with and the entries were about me and I didn’t wanting to deal with people telling me to grow up and deal with it. They were NOT an attack on you or your boyfriend at all. I'm sorry that you took it that way. I really cared about you and I really wanted to be friends but I can't handle someone saying they're not mad at me and then say things that translate to me as saying "I am VERY angry with you, you're a c**t and I don't want to speak to you ever again." I know I should’ve be a big girl and dealt with it and I should’ve kept my mouth shut then and now, but I was in very unfamiliar territory. I have no wish to be even acquainted with you any more and I’d greatly appreciate it if you’d de-friend me.

-I know that I've just added you to to my aim f-list and haven't said anything, but just to let you know, depending how things go, you're probably learn things about me you never wanted to know.

-I really want to be friends with you and not just someone I met online. And we need to do some cracky brainstorming sometime. Is it okay to coax your shell?

-Hey, how long did you think playing Little Princess Kiss-Up is going to work? I'm guessing seeing you with you're Mommie at PCC suggests that you're almost 18, so I think now is a good time to stop. Also, learn to drive and stop bringing your Mommie with you to class, especially if she's so busy that she has take calls during classes!

-I'm paying off a debt that's over 500 bucks, I need a new computer, I don't have a job (which I'm working on btw), I only see less than 650 bucks on line, and you still think I can go to Seattle in the fall? Also, tell me why I'm so good with hair? I can't even get mine to hold a normal sock bun!

-He's the biggest whiniest emo bitch I know, why do you hang out with him?

-Yes, I know I'm female, stop punishing me for it dammit!!!

That's all folks.
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