If you haven't seen the new Batman yet, you should because it's good. Really good. Magic pencil trick = best scene in movie ever.
Hellboy also = good. Prince Nuada can take over my world anyday, 'cause come on - he's an elven ninja. ELVEN NINJA. We get him and Raiden together? The universe will be forever a better place. ♥ And the tooth fairies were hilarious, in a somewhat gruesome way.
Benn doing some minor freaking out lately over impending grad school and stuff. Bah, and my mom is getting transferred Back East for a year, so we're still trying to figure out... everything. *cry* Dad and I tend to get along about as well as oil and water, so we'll see how that goes.
Looking forward, of course to Y-con. Need my con fix, kthnx 8D, though if I have a midterm or something the Monday after, I probably won't make all that much of an appearance. School, wherefore so srs? ;_; Been collecting materials for Taki's alternate outfit from Soul Calibur III in preparation, anyways. Hee!
Now to catch up with flist...
Oh, and getting pelted with paintballs? Hurts like mofo. I have bruises where I do not deserve to have bruises.