Stopped by the theater to see Spider-man 3 earlier; I was expecting some horrid mish mash of song and dance with some lackluster fight scenes.
I was pleasantly surprised. Not as good as the first two, but still fun. Also, a bit long- seems contrary what with the large number of villains and subplots, but there you go.
First, though, a vent regarding the sad case that is Harry Osborn aka Goblin Junior. Ahem-
You jinxed yourself, right there. Right there in the beginning at the hospital. Never talk about noble deaths or sacrificing yourself for anybody. Ever. For the love of god, WHY?
Oh geeze, Mr. Butler sir, thank you so much for informing him about the truth at the END OF THE FRICKING MOVIE instead of, oh, I don't know, AT THE END OF THE FIRST MOVIE?
Woes, indeed.
This movie bypassed suspension of disbelief entirely and passed straight onto expulsion. Lol @ magic particle physics generator thingy in large hole. And the whole 'must save tiny ill daughter by... killing Spider-man.' Then there's the standard 'I have enough time to heroically throw myself in the line of fire to save best buddy, but I didn't have enough time to just knock away the weapon.' Logic, where art thou?
Also, Venom. I was sorely disappointed with the minuscule amounts of Venom- Spidey doesn't even get the symbiote until half-way through or so, and Brock doesn't get it until the last half hour. Grr. The symbiote doesn't change into clothes either, except this boring black Spider-man suit and Venom's trademark outfit. And neither of them seems to gain any of Venom's super bulked up muscles. And the lack of 'we' instead of 'I'. And there's no tongue.
Let me repeat that.
There's no trademark slobbering, long, Orochimaru-only-wishes-his-were-this-flexible tongue. This made me a very sad vasher. ;______;
Ok, on to the insignificant stuff. Graphics were good- if I don't notice them, they're pretty sweet- and some of the fight scenes brought a wide grin of glee on my face. Especially that ending fight. Four-way, baby!
Oh, that reminds me, I need some Peter/Harry and/or Venom/Spidey (or some combination thereof). Indeed, when Venom!Spidey goes to Harry's house to start a fight- and that is a nice tussle (though a little lacking in nudity)- I was sorely disappointed when it didn't end with some steamy hatesexing. I mean, come on, you have Peter without inhibitions and uber pissed at his best friend for meddling all evil like in his relationship with MJ, and then you have Harry on this vengeance gig and also lacking in inhibitions due to the Goblin dust he inhaled. Work with me!
But the team fighting at the end almost made up for it. Mmm. Spidey Goblin vs. Sandman Venom. Oh, and MJ needing a hero. Again. She didn't have all that much role here except to complain. And serve as angst for Peter. This is actually getting repetitive- how many times are they going to keep flipping back and forth between 'Zomg! I'm ready but she's not, she's ready but I'm not'. Either get hitched or break up (yes, permanently this time), but please stop pussyfooting around.
I was so happy when Harry realized that Peter wasn't to blame, and Peter realized that he was acting like a dick for most of the movie, and they made up in time to have a big-ass fight and save the damsel in distress... and then he died.
Oh, and dancing. There was dancing. Peter Parker dancing. And making finger-guns at passing women. Could have shaved off half-an hour, really.
They're running out of big bads for Spider-man 4.
Little note- I had my last final yesterday. Last final of last class of last semester of last year.
GLEE. assuming I don't fail biochem