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keybearer_lost September 18 2010, 04:12:18 UTC
While she was practical, she was the sort to at least attempt to be more feminine with her clothing. It was the reason her normal battle attire had a sash and so many ribbons and the strap crossing over her chest was pink. It didn't look too good when put together, she was aware, but it made her feel pretty while still being practical.

She held the dress to herself. True, violet was an unusual color for her as she normally kept to blues, blacks, and whites and practical clothing. True, she'd owned a handful of dresses and skirts back home, but a dress as short as this only held up by a tie around the neck? Even Terra and Ven would've been shocked to see her pick it up. Aqua would've been a blushing mess even considering it, but there was something about it and the spark in Aether's eyes....

"Oh? Well, I was planning on trying it on, anyway," she said with an amused grin. They were supposed to be buying something for their travels instead of things they simply wanted, but it couldn't hurt to try it on, right?

She looked over at Aether as she held it to herself to get a general idea of the size.

"Did you pick out anything you'd like to try on yet?"


shred_the_sky September 23 2010, 05:05:58 UTC
"Nothing you would catch me wearing out of work." Aether offered a collection of colorful outfits on the rack a critical look. Although he was becoming used to how the fashion in this past of the World was different from his, he still couldn't quite get used to all the bright colors and short sleeves and numerous zippers. Was it because the darkness left so many scars on these lands, that people tried to be as open in their fashion as possible?

He couldn't understand that. All he could do was watch Aqua as she shuffled through the brightest dresses he had ever seen.

"We didn't dress like that back where I come from, you know?" His hand rose up, as if to demonstrate the black cloth decorated with blue thread. "Most wore either black or white."


keybearer_lost September 25 2010, 03:29:43 UTC
"It sounds a little boring," she answered as she went through the rack for anything besides the violet dress she liked. True, they were lovely in her eye, but nothing seemed to jump out at her like the violet one on her arm had.

"But I suppose that was the trend in your area. Here, it can get a bit.... outlandish?"

The last was said as she came across a rather risque yellow number that was more underwear than a dress and she quickly moved down the rack from it. There were some things she would not try on, thank you very much.


shred_the_sky September 27 2010, 03:39:51 UTC
"That's one word to call it," he remarked as he offered that yellow number a raised eyebrow. Garish would be another good one, as would be ridiculous and uncomfortable. His choice in clothes may have been boring - a statement Aether would argue to hell and back on some days - but at least it created an atmosphere and proved efficient in combat. He couldn't say the same for much of what he could find around here.

His eyes fell upon a jester's outfit hanging amidst the other clothes as if it was right at home there. Yes. Ridiculous would be good enough.

"Still, it's not like I have a choice." Aether rolled his eyes as he looked away from the clothes and up at Aqua, as if she was one last droplet of sanity in this mad wonderland. "The way I am..." One gloved hand moved up from his chest and made a vague gesture in the air. "...I stick out like a sore thumb."


keybearer_lost September 27 2010, 16:24:37 UTC
"We'll find something suitable for you," she promised, pulling out a rather simple blue jacket from the rack. She held it up for Aether to get a look at.

"What do you think of this for you? It isn't too over the top."

Indeed, it was rather plain compared to most things on the rack, with silver swirls embroidered on the shoulders, pockets, and hood and ornate buttons running down the front. Aqua thought it would suit him and it maybe it would be enough to keep him from sticking out without him having to change his usual choices too much.


shred_the_sky September 30 2010, 15:32:53 UTC
Blue and silver. Aether canted his head to the side and gave the jacket a suspicious look, as if not sure that the two of them would normally be seen in the same place and time. But as his gaze rose to meet his friend's eyes and his mouth opened to point out that he'd look a bit too monochrome...

That optimistic and hopeful smile on Aqua's face did it. As much as he wanted to argue, wiping that expression away was something he wouldn't want. It wouldn't hurt to try it once, would it? At least the hood looked comfortable.

"I'm not sure," he finally voiced the most neutral opinion he could think of. "Should I try it on?"


keybearer_lost October 1 2010, 04:33:34 UTC
"It can't hurt," she said as she pulled it off the hanger to hand to him, "I can go try on this dress while you decide on it?"

It might have been too monochrome, but it was the best Aqua could find so far and she really wasn't one for shopping anyway. No, the only reason she had even suggested this was the fact they needed new clothing. Otherwise she would've been content to go without anything.

But she did really like the dress....


shred_the_sky October 1 2010, 16:32:37 UTC
"All right." He accepted the jacket with a nod. There was no need to try it on in order to realize that it would look ridiculous with the rest of his clothes. While the sleeveless shirt would be hidden, the rest of his clothes looked too tight-fitting when not concealed by his duster. He needed more than a jacket to make this work...

"Go ahead and try that dress on," Aether finally spoke up as he peeked out from behind the jacket. "I'll see what I can do about this."


keybearer_lost October 24 2010, 04:19:31 UTC
It was the best thing she could find at moment. Aqua had never dressed someone else before. Besides, she didn't think just the jacket would make for a full outfit.

"I'll be just a minute."

That said, she ducked into the fitting room, found a booth, and began the arduous task of undressing. Really, her usual clothes were easy for her to move in and kept her 'assets' from getting in the way, but part of her was beginning to wonder if it was worth how much work it took to put it all on in the morning and take it off in the evening.


shred_the_sky October 27 2010, 02:23:26 UTC
Although she said it would take only a minute, Aether knew very well by now that taking off that deathtrap of an outfit would take Aqua at least three or four. Add to that the simplicity of that sundress, and he realized that he had only around four minutes if he wanted to put together something she could feel proud of. The only thing left was to see if he could make the right choices...

His gloves were discarded first, only to be replaced by ones that covered more of his arm, colored lighter and decorated with thin metal plating... much like the ones he wore in that galaxy far, far away. The new pants were more loose, their color black with the exception of silver ornaments at the bottom - a good fit for the jacket. The only thing left in place were his greaves - originally a part of his Keyblade Armor, they were far too comfortable for him to get rid of.

It took him a good few minutes to pick out this ensemble, and another one to change his clothes. By the time he was done, he literally stumbled out of the fitting room in hopes that he managed to change his clothes before her.


keybearer_lost November 8 2010, 01:44:00 UTC
Only by about two seconds. Aqua was an expert at getting her own clothing off and on, hence it taking only a few minutes to change. However she wouldn't have been offended if Aether weren't finished changing by the time she was done. But he was weird like that.

The dress itself settled on her curves, drawing slightly tight across her breasts but otherwise fitting well, the skirt flaring out along the curve of her hips to rest just above her knees. The tie at her neck held it up, but still showed a considerable amount of skin. Currently she was barefoot having needed to take off her boots to pull off her shorts and seeing no need to put them back on just yet. Wearing something so simple and easy to put on was a nice change of pace, she found, and resisted the urge to spin in place to see how the skirt would fly up.

"You look really nice," she said when she spotted him, glad he'd put something together off the jacket she'd found. She approached him then and reached up to adjust the collar of the jacket, a small smile on her face. It was nice to see him in something different for once.


shred_the_sky November 11 2010, 00:56:38 UTC
She looked too beautiful for words. Her normal uniform may have looked fancy enough to draw out her soft and gentle side, it was still obviously meant as armor. He was used to that appearance by now, as well as the way she presented herself as a mere traveler and yet carried herself as a warrior. But this was a different Aqua... light. Gentle. Almost ethereal.

The kind that made him look away the moment she approached so close, a faint pink hue on his cheeks.

"I tried to put together something that could help me fit in around these parts." Something that she would like, but that was a line of thought he was not prepared to say aloud... especially not when she was so close. A small pause, and he continued with another hesitant line. "You look better."


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