Fun times with Ru~

Mar 01, 2010 12:27

'It is times like this I have to wonder exactly why it is I stay around one Haruhi Suzumiya. I wish I could say it's because I'm shallow enough to think that her good looks are enough to keep me going back day-to-day and an inner masochistic streak is what has me listening to her. But no, that's not it. I might be a teenage boy with a healthy enjoyment of the feminine form, but even the beauty of Haruhi Suzumiya is not enough. And while Miss Asahina in a maid outfit and that heavenly ambrosia that is only called tea is enough to give strength to my weary limbs, I know it's not that.

Besides, practically speaking, I can admire their looks from afar just fine.

If it were simply the whole "you must keep the world from going boom due to a God with a toddler-like temperament throwing a pointless tantrum" part of it I would have left before I even got in this far.

So, why am I here? Why do I decide to stay here? I wish I knew. I honestly wish I knew.'

So, what are we doing this time, Haruhi?

!private thread, w/ru, character: kyon

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