Журнал под замком. Пишу в основном дыбр и о детском, ну и немного по настроению фото показываю и рассказываю. Детская группа - отдельная, для личных друзей и жж-шных родителей. Если кому интересно посмотреть на мои стоковые фото,
тюк сюда, на сайт
Глянь, плз, достаточно ли близко к тексту и по смыслу? Подмени если где-то сильно коряво, ага?
Crackling snow and grey ice
On the cracked prostrate earth.
Like a dilapidated scrappy blanket
A city is placed in a highway stranglehold.
And clouds float over a city,
Closing heavenly light.
And over a city is a yellow smoke -
A city is two thousand years old
Under starlight named Sun, and heaven sunshine.
And two thousand years goes war.
War without the special reasons.
War is a trade of the teens:
It's a cure for wrinkles.
Dense scarlet-red bloody stream,
In an hour becomes simply earth,
In a two becomes flowers on it (and a grass),
In a three it's again live and young,
and warmed by a starlight named Sun, and heaven sunshine.
And we know that so was always,
That the one having destiny's love,
The one who lives under another laws,
He have to die while still young.
He doesn't remember a word "Yes" or "No",
He doesn't remember both ranks and names,
But is capable to reach stars,
Without considering that it's a dream,
And to fall singed by a starbeams named Sun, and heaven sunshine.
Без сомнения, простые конструкции у меня выходят куда лучше:"Ай хэв э мазер/Ай хэв э фазер",-- всетаки не ин-яз заканчивал. =))
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