Feb 01, 2011 03:05
- 03:06:46: From Twitter 01-30-2011 http://j.mp/dRXEHE
- 08:22:04: @ IsaacTheCarp http://twitpic.com/3uxu3w - Thanks for sharing these pics, Isaac :) Seems like you all had fun
- 08:25:36: New ThunderCats look http://bit.ly/e1NATc I say bring it on
- 08:35:44: I always sleep badly on a Monday because there's often so much going through my head on Sunday night :/
- 08:39:44: So I haven't been posting or lurking at any of the SM forums in a long time because I've not thoug... http://kvs.co/3KRi
- 08:40:43: @ vash_chan I meant I would like to *meet* Robert Knepper if I had the guts. I'm considering cospl... http://kvs.co/3KRo
- 11:01:29: #beinghuman Mitchell is a better looking version of Russell Brand... surely?! ^_^;;
- 11:04:53: @ mustrapp haha that's an appropriate trending topic!!
- 13:02:49: @ mustrapp not from the top of my head unfortunately. All I know is that it'll be shown this year.
- 13:03:54: @ O2Islington hopefully can go to see Boyzone in March and Kerry Ellis in May
- 13:05:45: @ kerryjaneellis1 me too. OK so the public transport and certain areas are pretty down the scale but when it comes to musicals it rocks \m/
- 15:05:07: @ jared_murillo wow big table. If you had enough stamps on your loyalty card you could get a free whole chicken ;D
- 16:33:36: @ MatthewKoon ah good'ol leicester square. But yeah i am excited about cny too. Yay hong bao xD
- 16:45:37: Might do a short course on digital photography again since my last one was a real quickie.
- 16:49:56: I get way too much cynicism at home when it comes to personal interests. So typical. But i have to prove myself with the need to buy...
- 16:52:24: ...a macbook and another camera that'll benefit me. I felt so small against the flashy students with their slrs and big knowledge
- 16:54:02: Sorry for not being born with a creative mind when it comes to art -.-
- 19:09:21: just saw your new vid @ wtofficial . Very dark concept but I like it and the song itself is awesome :)
- 22:38:48: I thought I forgot to watch @ therealgokwan 's Clothes Roadshow but it's actually on tomorrow. Gotta put reminder on the planner
- 22:41:57: Fack I didn't realise there was a Fri evening guitar lessons going on nearby. Um whatever I might be going away though so that won't help
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