I wasn't one of the lucky fuckers who went to KCON France but the audio and Periscope streams I found were better than nothing (as I said previously I held back on tickets because of sacrifices). I saw Bangtan broadcast on the V App just before I finished work and was flailing quietly despite my day being so shit no thanks to people ruining it.
I managed to catch Bangtan in time on the streams and got so many feels. If anyone can help me sneak to their Hwa Yang Yeon Hwa epilogue tour in Asia that would be most appreciated ;; And yeah count the GOT7 Fly tour.
And when a family member says we'll go to a country for holiday I don't believe them. I never do. It's fucking bullshit. I'll just have to sort out the stuff myself because I trust nobody. And yeah the minute I go on annual leave I dread the shit that will surface. See again, no trust in the working environment. Nobody listens to what I say. I think I'll only get to use up all my remaining leave when I leave my job and go on a massive break before doing whatever it is next.
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