Halloween after party

Nov 01, 2010 23:35

Silly meme I shamelessly stole from xscylon

vash26's Halloween party:

abfabambrosia dressed as the Viscount of Little Skykomishburg.

aka_plynn dressed as a Level 8 fighter.

astreamofstars dressed as a margin.

bsg_aussiegirl dressed as a lazy angel.

bsg_stardust dressed as your mother-in-law.

bugsfic didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.

calebar77 dressed as Guy Fawkes but the exploding barrel of dynamite didn't go down too well.

dallirious dressed as the Vicomte des Boules-Velues.

ecbvann dressed as Pavlova the ballerina -- dancing on point too.

frakkin_eh dressed as a witch.

icedteainthebag dressed as the love child of Al Gore and Mia Hamm, though it looked more like Nicole Richie.

larsfarm77 dressed as a Gilmore AssociatedCorporation employee.

legallybea dressed as a lethargic success.

lynott dressed as a 1960's hippie child.

lytab5 dressed as Jean Claude Van Damme.

mascaret forgot to put on clothes!

maudvandutch dressed as Jennifer Lopez.

melligatrix dressed as a badger.

missbevcrusher dressed as Dwight Eisenhower.

mmegiry dressed as Mde. Lachienne Foutue d'Enfer -- you don't wanna know.

nan_darkness dressed as Wesley Crusher from "Star Trek".

pandj1958 dressed as Adam-the-first-man but the fig-leaf was far too big.

rachg82 dressed as Josephine Baker but the banana "skirt" didn't survive the night.

redrockcan dressed as a character from Harry Potter and the Wand of Power.

scifi_mel dressed as Sybil - except that Sybil didn't show but the other 32 personalities did.

seariderfalcon dressed as Bono.

self_preserving dressed as James Buchanan, and it suited them all too well.

sinequanon1 dressed as a can of beer.

sira01 dressed as a bullet.

somadanne dressed as Elizabeth Regina on steroids and roller skates.

sumpta dressed as Halle Berry's cousin.

tayryn dressed as Tom Cruise - tarred and feathered.

therealjourney dressed as a new member of the Wu-Tang Clan, Jolly Specialist.

treeofstars didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.

usagi636 dressed as the Bouncy Power Ranger.

vash26 dressed as Mary Queen of Scots ... without her head. Most convincing.

whatever_lj dressed as Katherine Heigl.

xscylon dressed as something leather, but what, specifically, you can't tell.

Throw your own party at the Hallomeme!
Created by sigma7: More info here.


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