Well, I'll tell you about my embarrassing adventure today later. I'm pretty well exhausted after my classes today, with special emphasis on dance *wince*.
I will however send you this link:
http://www.astrology-online.com/scorpio.htm . A friend of mine is a Capricorn, and this page's description of said sign was absolutely abhorrent concerning his personality. Even their famous examples of Capricorns don't en mass jive with the Capricorn description. We of course then looked up mine (Scorpio). Isn't it frighteningly accurate? I even sent some of it to my mom who had to agree. The things that don't mesh can even be explained through unique and profoundly influential events in my life.
And now you may laugh at me, even without today's fiasco story.
Also, there's a very neat tool at the bottom of the
http://www.animalrescuesite.com page. If you click the donation button and scroll down, you'll come to an adoption piece in which you can enter your zip code, specify an animal and read profiles of animals in your area up for adoption. I thought some of you would really dig on that.
Oh, and I apparently missed
snowchat's birthday. I hope you had a good time, Liss.