Apr 24, 2006 16:59
I will no longer have regular internet access. I know this makes me nearly intolerably incommunicable. I think the best way to reach me is still to leave me email, since I tend to have to goad myself into going through my voice mail messages. (Text messaging is another sure bet, if you really want me. I check both immediately; or rather, as soon as technology allots for immediacy.)
This is probably to your benefit. Given my rapidly materializing deadline for all things, I've grown vulgarly remorse and occasionally white hot livid, angry with a fury that can only be fueled by sadness and fear. Fear makes me irritable and self loathing. Fear makes me do stupid (but at least honest) things.
Additionally, I've been engrossed in Becky-like literature -- Russian contemporary fiction, Virginia Woolfe modern and postmodernism, British satire...that sort of thing. It makes me long for countries that don't exist. I keep hiding in their inescapable reality. It's making me more testy than ever, with a very low tolerance for the common social patterns around me and their higher on the hill justifications.
Also, it's Softball season (which in my adulthood has become Ultimate Frisbee season), so I'm edgy and spend too much time in the sun. (Although, admittedly, have been crawling all over playground equipment like some starving and desperate ant...and may I add, I conquered the plastic mobius strip in a skirt!) I have been mountain biking a lot lately, too. Even trapped in the city, I've been taking stairs, drops, waterlogged ravines, helmetless and as stupid and wild as one can get with a nothing to loose attitude.
And I've been listening to new CDs. Which is always fab in the summer.
Other than that, between 1-2 jobs and grad school, I suppose there's not much external stuff to note. I hope everyone is doing well and you're enjoying this fabulous weather in your skirts and tank tops and cut off shorts, or whatever floats your boat.