I got in a discussion on Monday with a lady who sings blues. She complimented me on my playing and was really excited about my playing. I told her that I am "temporarily retired" and don't play much anymore. She got annoyed at me and wanted to know why I didn't want to play much anymore.
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I explained to her than my main focus is school right now and that the bands I am in now are all original, progressive, avant-garde and challenging. She got mad at me and started telling me that not all singers are divas and that I just haven't played with the right musicians yet, etc. I told her that I had 8 years to play with amazing, world-class, monster musicians who I learned so much from and helped me grow as a musician. I told her that I got burned out with playing 4 or 5 times a day and that at the end it got boring.
It got really funny from there and she told me that can't be true because I play like I love music. I told her that I do love music but it doesn't mean I want to play all the time. I wasn't able to get my point across though because she kind of overwhelmed me with her fervor. She could sing really well and I enjoyed the conversation. My choice to be picky with my gigs is something I have earned. After so many years of playing music I didn't want to play I have the power to say yes or no now and I will use it.