Well I decided to do something different this morning in celebration of the 57 F degree weather! I am really happy right now. It's Saturday morning and almost no one is up. I can sit and watch the world at a sleepy crawl of it's normal self. The weather is perfect and it really makes me miss Ohio or eve Washington DC. I miss the fall, the spring, and the water the most of anything and it is too the point where I can't wait to leave Texas and move on.
For those who don't know I have 8 months left on my contract UNLESS I get stop lossed and locked into another deployment which is not so bad. I am most likely going to Ohio State University next fall for Arts & Technology (3D). My Aunt and I are looking for a duplex or quadplex to buy for a rental property in Columbus as well. I figure why should I have to pay rent if I can just buy a place to live and rent it out to others using the benefits afforded me by the Veterans Affairs? I will be making a trip there this winter or early spring to finalize my decision, tour the campus, and sign the paperwork for whatever property I buy.
The thought of going back to up North is really exciting for me. I never realized how much my body relied on seasons and climate change. Living down south has really been nice until I go to Texas. Central Texas' climate and greenery is very different than what I am used too. I even went up to Lubbock (Northern Part of the State) and it was ok. I mean it looked different than Central Texas but just didn't have what I was looking for. If I had my way I would live in the Pacific Northwest or the Great Lakes Region. Alas, I will be living in the Great Lakes Region because it allows me to live comfortably with a reasonably high standard of living.
I am trying to position myself so I won't have to pay for rent, school, or even really have to work. I am actually considering joining the Ohio National Guard Army Band in Columbus for a 3 or 4 year enlistment. The main reason why is they will pay for 100% of my Tuition & Fess during my service HENCE my interest in Ohio State. Also, because I am prior service I would get a $6,000 bonus for a 3 year enlistment payable in the second year of service and I get a small Army paycheck for when I am working. The upside of all this is I can continue to play music, get MORE money for college (I have $56K of Federal Army Money which is separate from National Guard ala STATE money), and not have to take out (hopefully) ANY college loans. I don't know if I will be able to do that but that is another reason why I am hoping I get deployed to Iraq again. I can save a cool $15,000 easily over there. Let's hope I get a high score again on the ACT next month. Apparently, the test is only good for 5 years but I am not so worried since last time I got a 27 or 28 I think. I am really really nervous though. It's a bit life change.
I am getting excited about Convergence 12 in New Orleans. I really hope they can hold the event in NOLA especially given what has happened recently. What would be more triumphant that having Convergence in NOLA after a Major Hurricane. They might even be able to get some larger act bands this year because of it so let's hope. I had a great time this last year with my friends as well as the many new friends I made. I didn't dance or go on some of the trips but nonetheless the trip was amazing. I even managed to change one of my friends ideas about Convergence. I guess it was just a different experience for me because I am used to not being around people with similar interests or who actually have a life outside of "the scene". I go to Convergence and there are real Goth/Industrial Music and Fashion fans with actual lives outside of the club! Some people actually had depth to their personalities! Haha, it may sound funny but it was a lot better than the last Convergence I went too. If you are considering going and you have not gone before you should now!
I just finished reading "Undead and Unappreciated" by Mary Janice Davidson. This book was pretty good I felt it kind of ended too fast. It features "Betsy" reluctant Queen of the Vampires who hates the job, can be bought with $400 Manolo Blahniks for creepy undead things. The series is really funny and I suggest you check it out if you like funny Vampire Novels. It's best described as Sex and the City meets Buffy (a little). I also finished reading "A Stroke of Midnight" by Anita Blake. It's the newest book in here Meredith Gentry P.I. series. The book started out interesting but I was VERY unhappy with the ending! It just kind of ends...with loose ends open. I am very unhappy to tell you the truth. ~sobs~
I recently saw "Serenity" and I must say it is simply amazing. If you have never watched the series it doesn't matter. The events of the movie are set after the series ended and the back story of the characters is told within the confines of the movie. It's like Wild Wild West meets Star Wars meets anything by Josh Whedon. I should mention that I hate Buffy and Angel with my whole heart. I was turned off by the film style, weird character development, and constant neurotic needlings by some of the characters. So, when Firefly came on TV back in 2002 I didn't watch the first few episodes. I caught it in syndication and I must say I am hooked. Damn TV producers canceling my favorite shows and leaving me with crap on TV. Here is my list of canceled non-star trek shows:
Dead Like Me *
Firefly *
Space: Above and Beyond Damn you TV studios and companies for not giving Sci-Fi and other quality shows there time on TV! Fox screwed up once with Space: Above and Beyond then did it again with Firefly. You could have had a show as successful as Stargate or Battlestar Galactica but you fucked up. GRRR.