Feminist geeks, I need your help!

Sep 28, 2011 00:04

So lately I've been thinking about geek-culture and feminism. I concider myself a feminist, and a pretty radical one compared to most people I know. I do, however, make a difference between strong oppinions and loud oppinios. I have stong ones, but I'm not a loud person and I do not have "loud oppinions".

However, I've run in to a snag, a minor one, some might argue, while others say it's the only one that matter. I'm a guy. Shocking, I know, but I have proof. Normaly, this doesn't present much of a problem. Being a male feminist is for me no weirder than being a straight suporter if gay rights. But in this case, I must ask myself: "How do women react to this? ". Try as I might, I cant answer this alone.
Ok, I'm talking around the subject, sow how about me explaining what I'm talking about.

Recently DC comics rebooted their entire line of comics, starting a new with every comic at #1. this brought with it some continuity changes; characters origins revisited, some people were never married, (Superman and Lois Lane have now gone the way of Peter Parker and Mary Jane). This happens more often than you'd think in comics, but this time they've marketed it more. This happened around the same time I got myself an iPad, and since I now have a comic book store in my bag, I've decided to give so e of 'em a read

Two characters have been wildly discussed since the reboot; Catwoman and Starfire. Both of theese character have been emphasized as... Well sex bombs. Quite a few people are mad, but I've got mixed feelings. First of, Starfire. i will not defend this, what they have done is a disgrace. I'm not familliar with her stpry, but from what I've gathered, she was a popular character in Teen Titans, the cartoon, a great role model, possitive, willing to see the best in people and believed in love. In the reboot, she is a soulless anti-hero who have casual sex with her team-mates, no personality and basically just poses almost nude in the whole issue. This is not okay.

However! In the firs issue of Catwoman we see her jumping out of her appartment with her cat suit only coveri g half her body, walk around in underware, and in the last few panels, have kinky, in costume sex with Batman. And I'm fine with that. Why? To me, Catwoman has always been a personification of women doing wathever the fuck they want. She's sexy and she uses it to get what she wants. She is an empowered woman who decides her own fate. Now I wont lie and say I didn't parially enjoyed Catwoman#1just because we see Selina looking hot in 28 pages. And maybe, therefore, I'm not qualified to say if this comic is more than a boy- fantasy.

So please, I call to any female nerd feminists, what do you think? Read Catwoman #1 or just google some images and tell me, do you find her offensive, empowering or do you think it's a non issue?
Leave a coment and if you found this interesting, spread it around like Starfire. I would like as many people as possible to give me their oppinion.

And as usual, I appologize for any errors, not only is this due to my usual lazyness regarding proofreading, but I've also written this on my iPad, so spellchecking is a bitch.

comics, feminism

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