Aug 25, 2004 16:32
I was going to write some stuff about my first year but I got lazy. Here is how my first day of class went.
BME 102: I can see why upperclassmen hate freshmen. They seem so lost. I was hoping to sit next to some attractive girl. I sat next to this Sikh guy with lots of acne. The class seems easy, to the point where it's boring.
GOV310L: Wow. What a huge freaking class. The professor is a funny guy. I'll probably enjoy this class.
Then I ate lunch with Alan and the two Erik(c)s.
M408D: I fell asleep, cause it's math. James Darby and Erik Culver are in my classes. That's good. I'll need help in that class I imagine. The professor seems OK. This class will give me trouble.
BIO325: This class seems like it will be hard. But maybe interesting. The professor is boring and she puts notes online. That's asking me to sleep. There are a lot of pictures in the book.
More tomorrow and subsequent days if applicable.