Nov 22, 2005 21:42
so...I was doing way better tonsil-wise (I quit taking pain meds on day 3 'cause they made me throw up...that was fun...) and thought I'd be fine and dandy by now, but two days ago I took a turn for the worse and now I REALLY can't eat or talk...or swallow my own spit. I have no hope of being fine by Thurs. so it looks like allowing myself to pig out all day is not going to happen. I've been working out extra for this one day, too....Dammit. I've been reduced to spitting in a plastic-lined back, laying on a rice bag to alleviate my incredible ear pain ('cause all that shit is connected), and having conversations on a note-pad....
I'm so incredibly behind on my f-list, but I wanted to say thanks to everyone who congratulated me about school and has commented during my recent absence. And I also wanted to say hi to you all. *hug*
PS. I heart Patrick Dempsey....and hate McDreamy (sort of...almost...ok, I can't hate him, but i CAN hate mrs. mcdreamy, the mcdreamy stealing B****) that was it.
ETA: WTF happened to Allies?!?!?! It used to be DAMN pretty and now its IIIIIICKY!!!! If anyone in the Alias fandom would like to answer this for me I would greatly appreciate it.;0)