worst day of my life

Feb 11, 2006 18:06

I feel like the only time I update this thing is when I'm at my lowest...

today was the worst day by far n' I'm sorry if I seemed like a bitch

I'm physically and emotionally drained! I fuckin' blacked out in the middle of a stunt then I almost passed out when I got off the mat o but after competition Miss Lee asked me to help a little and told Shannon she didn't have to wtf? so yea me n' Shannon told her what's up n' we payyced on outta there. Whata great coach huh?

I'm really sorry to let you down Varsity I just had NO strength in me I mean I've been in bed for 3 days now...I tried I really did, but I guess that wasn't good enough...

yea and this goes out to a special someone...DON'T BE SO FUCKIN' FAKE! I know you're not sick or hurt your mom even told my mom so don't act like it just to get attention! n' wtf? you had to get carried out into the hall? Yea well I'm worse then you, but I at least found enough strength to do it myself n' I didn't make a big scene about it either! SO FUCK YOU!

btw in case you're wondering we got 1st for round 1 n' 2nd for round 2
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