So there's plenty of news to go around about the Faux Fox Forum.
Union Leader wrote today about both the Fox forum and ABC's debates the previous day. The ABC debates, unknown to me, also excluded Duncan Hunter, and Democrats Dennis Kucinich, Joe Biden, and Chris Dodd. Shame on them, too.
Both the chairs of the Democratic and Republican parties of New Hampshire have expressed their displeasure with both media outlets' policies. The article quotes GOPNH Chair Fergus Cullen's press release from yesterday in which he says, ""Limiting the number of candidates who are invited to participate in debates is not consistent with the tradition of the first-in-the-nation primary."
Paul's New Hampshire spokesperson summed up the irrationality of excluding Paul from the debate. "We have been here in New Hampshire a fair amount. We have raised $19 million this quarter, and we're polling at 8 percent here, which is ahead of Mr. Thompson," Rick said. "We are at a loss as to what criteria we are not meeting."
The story isn't just big news in New Hampshire.
LA Times blogs reported on it also. They focused almost exclusively on Paul and mentioned that Paul is "the only Republican candidate to increase his donations every quarter in 2007."
Will Fox fold? We don't know yet, but I responded in comment that reporters are invited to the
Free State Project's New Hampshire Liberty Forum to see Dr. Paul speak on January 6th, the same day Fox is holding its event. And you are too, of course...