(no subject)

Jun 17, 2007 16:29

EEK! I almost forgot! HOW could I!!!!!!!

Alright alright alright alright alright alright alright ~ENOUGH!~ *giggles* ^___^
There is a FINE (foo-ine) looking man working at Barnes & Noble... you know, the one right across North Star Mall.

Hold on my dog just WANTS to type...

544444444ijnnnnnnnnnn [];pe4p[-rftopfti90e0w00opop

okay she's done now I think.. turns out she just wanted the cap to my water bottle >__> *deeply annoyed* Eh.. it's still cute.

Alright... back to my man.. yes he is mine I have claimed ownership over him. He was my cashier and touched my hand so therefore MINE! ^___^ pillow pants XD... so random

God!!!!! Whenever I talk about boys.. oops.. I mean "gosh" not God, SORRY! *prays for mercy*.. let's finish that last sentence, "Whenever I talk about boys" _I get sidetracked... distracted,and giddy__. Price to pay when you go to an all girl school. ((DAMMIT, just get to the point Vanessa)) ALRIGHT! Jeez

Date: Thursday, June 14, 2007
Location: Barnes & Noble (well actually it's on ~SILENCE!!!!~) >__<

I was standing next to my mother while she looked at a four leaf clover kit (WHY? I don't know) When she asked me if I was ready to leave now. So I looked to the cash register to see a magnificent angel before me *cue heavenly music* He was so cute! He was tall... with shaggy black hair and *snaps out of it*. I started to get giddy inside! I couldn't have that! I'm an adult now and do not go GAGA over attractive men. So I said "no" and took a lap around the store to get my act together, you know to shake it off. So when I returned, I was fine! Just FINE! We're walking towards to cash register he's walking around like a mad man... probably not sure if we're walking towards him. And I see him, and I just lose it XD

I could feel a smile creeping on my face, so I looked down and basically told myself to stop smiling. So I did... then I reached the front of the cash register

Anthony: Ready?
Vanessa: .. O.O ..*nods my head*

God! He talked to me too.. and I (honest to GOD) don't remember what he said to me nor what I responded. although I do remember this:

Anthony: Your total is $31.40
Vanessa: O.o ???? *thinks to herself* FOR ONE BOOK and a four leaf clover kit?!?!?!?!
Anthony: Oh.. I mean $13.40
Vanessa: *giggles to herself and thinks* Hehee aww... how cute... dyslexic like me!
Anthony: Sorry it's been a long day
Vanessa: *practically whispers* It's *raises her voice a little higher* ok

sometime later...probably 5 seconds.. but it felt much longer

My mother hands him the money
........silence........... he's handling the cash register
Vanessa: So how *then my heart jumps because he looked me straight in the eye!!!!*
Anthony: *looks at me with his big beautiful dark eyes...stops what he's doing.....seriously though... they were -sighs dreamily-*
Vanessa: long have you been working?
Anthony: Oh since *looks up and thinks*
Vanessa has lost it by now.. any sense of intelligence has gone bye bye
Anthony: Since 3:30 *looks at me then goes back to working the register*
Vanessa: O.O .... that's a pretty good shift

what was SO cute though was that he handed ME the money.. not my mother, it's like she didn't even exist. *sighs dreamily* Oh Anthony XD And he looked at me with those eyes of his again ^___^

Ok... well this has been great...
BYE BYE NOW *waves*
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