It's not a game, it's a sport

Jan 22, 2007 11:54

Well this weekend was an interesting one. When you live in a residence there is a rule that must be followed, this being that there are no drinking games. Well on Friday night Evans and I decided to hold the first ever "Jack-Off". We decided this would be a sport and not a game. Now we set up the table and put a bunch of chairs around with shot glasses. Jack Daniels was then placed in the center. Before we started I looked out the window and saw a guy walking follwed by another (this was strange because there was a big snowstorm outside)Not long after there was a knock at our door. Evans opened it and there were two kids standing outside asking to come in. They did and asked us what we were studying. We looked at them and responded with "alcohol". We asked them where they were from and here was the conversation. We didn't catch their names so in our minds we named one Mogli and the other Waldo.
Mogli:I'm from California
Waldo:I'm from Montreal
Us:So how do you know each other?
Mogli:We're here on an exchange program
Us:Where you staying?
Waldo: By Kelly's cafe, somewhere on E street.

None of us heard of either place and after we told them we had no liquor to sell them they left. We all figured that they were from FHS. Dumb kids. Anyways we started the sport consisting of: myself, Evans, Jennifer, Noise Maker, Justin, Jake, and at point Cowboy.
Now I can't do shots and after one I decided to switch to my blue electricity and a bunch of coolers. The rest of the night i'm told that I went outside and tried to make a snow angel and had devil horns put on me. Because of this I thought I was the devil and told everyone we were in hell, I told them that I made it freeze over but apologized for making it so cold. The rest of the night consisted of me banning and putting spells on people.

Saturday was the typical hang over kind of day.

Sunday was improv. We have shows coming in February; WOOT! After improv I went to the library and signed out books for papers that I really don't want to do.
In conclusion i've decided to enter myself into my own form of detox until I get my work done. I'm not sure how it'll work but we shall see.
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