(no subject)

Jun 22, 2005 21:21

21 June 2005
Introduction to Lesson Planning
Scott Dunn

In a way this session seemed like an alternative to Dr. Parris’s methods of classroom management.  Although this dealt more with how to write a lesson plan, the implementation is as much classroom management as the Classroom Management classes.  It was from an “non-entertainer” point of view.

The Schema Activators he showed us definitely had good points although I wish he’d had videos of this in action.  Some of them looked to be complicated and more work than they were worth.

I did not like his “emerging learners” term.  It seemed condescending to me, one of those “politically correct terms”.  As I’ve said before, kids aren’t stupid, even the “emerging learners”.  They all seem to have that “bullshit detector” mentioned by Dr. Gregorc.

I did like the ideas presented to us under the heading of “understanding by design”.  I makes total sense to decide first what you want kids to demonstrate then move backwards with standards and strategy.

This class tied right in with the last one and talked about questions too.  One thing it added to the session on questions is the fact that they should be for the students, not the teachers, and should be written in “kidspeak”.  Actually I always knew that questions have to be written and delivered at the reading level of the class, I had just never before considered that they should be for anything more than the teacher eliciting information from students.
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