I'm 99.9% sure that I've posted what will be my last ever Kalicia fic to AO3 at
http://archiveofourown.org/users/variousflumps/pseuds/variousflumps so I wanted to say a quick goodbye and thank you to all of the wonderful Kalicia fans out there. The Good Wife was the first fandom that I ever really participated in, and the first fanfic that I ever
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It's a funny place to end because there's still that tiny glimmer of hope, but as long as JM and Archie are not allowed in the same room I can't summon up much enthusiasm.
I'm still going to keep an eye on breakfast club in case of developments, or in case we ever find out the nature of the Backstage Shenanigans. Or in case you write A Mile for the Journey parts 7-234!!
I would have a high number of bells on, is my point.
Basically I'm trying to feel like I have more control over this situation than I actually do. :)
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