Oct 30, 2008 07:57
Okay, shock and surprise...I neglected to post about the past few months saga of being layed off, interviewing at numerous companies and then subsequent offer and acceptance of a new position. Not only that, but I am now moving to Washington D.C. I've received a raise not only in number of dollars, but in currency as well (for as long as that is true.)
Today is moving day. Moving companies should charge me substantially less money for my door to door service as eighty eight percent of the job is done by myself. I have converted most of my cardboard boxes into durable plastic. Almost all of my linens are contained in various nylon bags. Even my PS3 is back in its original box, and within minutes of this writing, my computer and monitors will be in their original boxes. I've filled out the moving paperwork and done my last bit of laundry. My suitcases are packed and sitting in a corner. I will be traveling with two checked bags and a laptop.
I am going to time them to see how long it takes to move my stuff. I'd be extremely surprised if it took more than fifty two minutes.
-teh me
...yes, i pack the monitor cables with each monitor.