Apr 17, 2006 22:48
Loads of stuff happened but can't give a list right now, just popping in this coz it's more interesting and so as I don't forget.
I saw my old band playing on Saturday night, now renamed "Nemisis Theory."
New singer and drummer, other three guys were the same.
They've kept some of my words,
It's weird seeing someone you've never met singing YOUR lyrics at you!!
I didn't know beforehand quite how I'd take something like that, I mean, it could be like seeing your ex fucking someone else...
...but no...
...As soon as I heard them there was a huge smile on my face! I really enjoyed that!
And the songs with some of my words still in them were the ones I enjoyed most.
They've also played other gigs, so like, my work is kind of being displayed in ways I'm not even aware of. Kind of cool.