Jan 20, 2008 08:54
I will not, will not, vote for John McCain.
I will not, will not, vote for Mike Huckabee.
I will not, will not, vote for Ron Paul - unless he runs for Fuhrer. In which case, he’s got my full support.
I might hold my nose and vote for Mitt Romney, but to be perfectly honest, I have no confidence in him, and my vote would be moot, anyway: there’s no way he wins a national election. Because let’s face it: the average US voter is simply not ready to give the White House to a guy named after a first baseman’s glove.
Which means that if Fred Thompson drops out of the race (aside: I have no idea what Republican primary voters are thinking - other than that they are no longer interested in conservatism, and have become every bit as statist as their progressive counterparts), I’m resigning myself to a Democratic presidency in 2008 - and to the years of pain that will follow should the Dems maintain control of both the Executive and Legislative branches of government. Who knows? Maybe they even get the courts, too.
In other words, Hello “progressivism”! Which, as Ezra Levant and Mark Steyn can tell you, is simply another word for tyranny of bureaucracy under the auspices of an anti-individualistic, centralized coalition government - and is about as “American” (in the strictest, foundational sense) as caviar or goulash or the Yugo. Decline and fall.
So, what to do? Well, my first thought is to buy some remote land in Idaho and try to hole up for the next decade or so, learning to sustain myself with nothing but a Bowie knife and some animal pelts. And maybe Dish Network and a HD DVR receiver.
But why bother? Some well-meaning Green group empowered by the progressivists will no doubt find a reason to “re-claim” the land for the common wealth, anyway, and pretty soon, anything good on TV will come under the auspices of some intrusive unelected commission or other.
So. There you have it, comrades. It’s Mourning in America.
*For clarification. This piece is all sarcasm. It's also not something I wrote--and don't agree with every syllable of course, but the general "mood" tewtelly. It's from a site known as protein wisdom and the founder doesn't even blog much anymore he just happened to pop in and comment, so it's like, not even the same flavor anymore ect., ect. *
Although I really do think Ron Paul is an anti-semite. =/